Author: UCT

Porous Cellulose Acetate/Block Copolymer Membranes for the Recovery of Polyphenolic Compounds from Aquatic Environments

Porous Cellulose Acetate/Block Copolymer Membranes for the Recovery of Polyphenolic Compounds from Aquatic Environments

Phenethyltrimethoxysilane (P0113) Polyphenolic and other phenyl containing compounds have long had wide-spread applications in the chemical industries. In addition, these chemicals are synthesized by plants, so they are also naturally occurring, not just synthetically made. With their high prevalence, many phenolic based compounds end up in runoffs from urban, agricultural, and industrial sources and end…

Tracking Novel Psychoactive Substances in Australia: The Power of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology with SPE and LC-MS-MS

Tracking Novel Psychoactive Substances in Australia: The Power of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology with SPE and LC-MS-MS

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are synthetic drugs not regulated under the 1961 or 1971 Conventions, posing significant public health risks. Monitoring NPS is essential for public health, regulatory action, scientific research, and addressing community and environmental impacts. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a key method for studying these substances, combining toxicology, environmental science, and analytical chemistry…

Development and Validation of a Multi-drug Analysis for Hair

Development and Validation of a Multi-drug Analysis for Hair

A single sample preparation and instrument method was developed for the analysis of 54 analytes in hair. Analytes in the panel included drug of abuse, synthetic opioids, and ethyl glucuronide. Hair is an alternative matrix used in forensic toxicology due to its longer detection window. The matrix is also more stable, does not require refrigerated…

Pesticide Fate in Wheat Beer Brewing: Impact of Multi-Stage Processing on Pesticide Behavior and Physicochemical Properties

Pesticide Fate in Wheat Beer Brewing: Impact of Multi-Stage Processing on Pesticide Behavior and Physicochemical Properties

Barley and wheat, staple grains for brewing beer, are often exposed to pesticides during their cultivation, raising concerns about pesticide contamination in beer. The 2022 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) report highlights the presence of various pesticides in European wheat, which could potentially carry over into processed products like beer. Although testing for pesticide residues…

TBI uses forensic intelligence from the forensic drug chemistry unit to implement nitazene screening method in the forensic toxicology unit

TBI uses forensic intelligence from the forensic drug chemistry unit to implement nitazene screening method in the forensic toxicology unit

Tennessee’s Bureau of Investigation (TBI) forensic drug chemistry unit confirmed its first case with nitazenes in late 2019. From January 2021 to December 2023 the forensic drug chemistry unit reported 344 cases positive for nitazenes. 227 of these cases (66%) reported one or more additional drugs in the sample, fentanyl and heroin were the most…

Effect of Cold-Pressing on Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Sensory Properties of Broccoli, Amaranth, and Red Beet Microgreen Juices

Effect of Cold-Pressing on Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Sensory Properties of Broccoli, Amaranth, and Red Beet Microgreen Juices

Microgreens have gained popularity due to their abundant nutritional content, providing a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They are harvested at an early stage, typically within a few weeks of germination when they are just a few inches tall and have developed their first true leaves. Recently, there has been interest in microgreen…

Investigation of Transdermal Buprenorphine Patch for Use on Horses

Investigation of Transdermal Buprenorphine Patch for Use on Horses

Transdermal administration of buprenorphine via a patch has been investigated in animals such as dogs, cats, pigs, sheep, and primates. Paranjape VV. et al to their knowledge are the first to describe the use on horses. This study monitored the physiological conditions and pharmacokinetic profile of six horses under three different rounds of treatments. BUP0…

Bifunctional Janus Silica Spheres for Pickering Interfacial Tandem Catalysis

Bifunctional Janus Silica Spheres for Pickering Interfacial Tandem Catalysis

In the synthesis of organic compounds, especially those used as pharmaceuticals, the number of steps in the synthetic route can be limiting in the way of high costs for low yields. Many scientists in the field have done extensive research on alternative ways to shorten these synthetic routes, for time, cost, and yield efficiency, all…

UCT ENVIRO-CLEAN® 521 in Action: Study of NDMA in Midwestern Watersheds

UCT ENVIRO-CLEAN® 521 in Action: Study of NDMA in Midwestern Watersheds

N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) belongs to the nitrosamines group, which are emerging disinfection by-products of health and regulatory concern due to its reported toxicity and carcinogenicity. NDMA is highly soluble in water, and it is found in drinking water and wastewater sources. Although NDMA is an unregulated contaminant various states have established (NDMA) guidelines in drinking water….

Singapore Lab Uses Clean Screen FASt to Detect ADB-4en-PINACA Metabolites in Urine

Singapore Lab Uses Clean Screen FASt to Detect ADB-4en-PINACA Metabolites in Urine

After identifying a novel psychoactive substance (NPS), additional work is needed to elucidate the metabolic pathway of the analytes. Pharmacokinetic studies are important for forensic laboratories with less sensitive instruments as metabolites are often more abundant in urine than parent compounds. This study by Fong and Moy looks to compare data from authentic urine samples…

Synthesis and Properties of Cross-Linkable Polysiloxane Using a Super base Catalyst

1,3-Divinyltetramethyldisiloxane (D6210) 1,3,5,7-Tetravinyltetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (PS925; aka Cyclic vinylmethylsiloxanes) Polysiloxanes are widely used in the semiconductor industry as encapsulation materials. These materials have high electrical insulation characteristics and are highly transparent to solar radiation, as well as having a high degree of both chemical inertness and thermal stability leading to a large range of operational temperatures and…

Not just Aroclors – The Inadvertent PCB Problem

Not just Aroclors – The Inadvertent PCB Problem

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are chlorinated organic compounds widely used in various industrial applications from the 1930s until their ban in the late 1970s. The compounds have excellent heat resistance and electrical insulating properties, so they were commonly used in industrial equipment. PCBs were also prevalent in caulking as a plasticizer in buildings constructed between 1950…

Clean Screen® DAU Featured in Method to Analyze Xylazine, p-Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, and Fentanyl-Related Compounds in Postmortem Blood

Clean Screen® DAU Featured in Method to Analyze Xylazine, p-Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, and Fentanyl-Related Compounds in Postmortem Blood

The presence of xylazine continues to be on the rise in samples containing fentanyl or fentanyl-related substances. A recent method published in the Journal of Chromatography B uses SPE and LC/MS-MS to quantitate xylazine, 4-ANPP, acetyl fentanyl, fentanyl, norfentanyl, and p-fluorofentanyl. Xylazine is rarely abused on its own, and research suggests it has effects comparable…

The Environmental Menace: Phthalates and Bisphenols Pollution

The Environmental Menace: Phthalates and Bisphenols Pollution

When considering the plethora of environmental pollutants that can be found in ourworld today, phthalates and bisphenols are notorious offenders, posing risks toecosystems and human health. These chemicals, commonly found in everydayproducts, have garnered attention for their adverse effects on the environment andwildlife and their potential impact on human well-being. Both phthalates and bisphenols have…

UCT’s SPE Column Used in Extensive Equine Ketoprofen Pharmacology Study

UCT’s SPE Column Used in Extensive Equine Ketoprofen Pharmacology Study

Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat musculoskeletal inflammation and pain in horses. In the United States, the use of ketoprofen in racing horses is controlled by the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA). Under this newly established federal organization ketoprofen has screening limits of 2 ng/mL in blood and 100 ng/mL…

6PPD, Salmon, and Tires

6PPD, Salmon, and Tires

You probably know what salmon and tires are, but have you ever heard of 6PPD? How about 6PPD-q? 6PPD stands for N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine. When this compound is exposed to air, ozone reacts with 6PPD to form its quinone, 6PPD-q. How about salmon and tires? 6PPD is a tire stabilizer that prevents tires from breaking down. As…

An Analysis of the Prevalence of Xylazine in Overdose Cases in Miami-Dade County

An Analysis of the Prevalence of Xylazine in Overdose Cases in Miami-Dade County

Xylazine is a veterinary sedative that is becoming an increasingly popular cutting agent in fentanyl samples. This combination of drugs is commonly referred to as “Traq”. Xylazine is not approved for use in humans, so it is not fully understood how xylazine contributes to overdose deaths. To gain insight into its prevalence in overdose cases,…

The Analysis of Two Common Analgesic Drugs in Wastewater: Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) and Diclofenac

The Analysis of Two Common Analgesic Drugs in Wastewater: Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) and Diclofenac

With diluted wastewater discharge being used as a source of drinking water in many locations throughout the world, it should be of concern which medications are commonly found in our wastewater. Researchers at the Institute of Environmental Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology have published a method for the determination of two common analgesics…

UCT’s Clean Screen® THC Utilized in Multi-Matrix Cannabinoid Post-Mortem Study

UCT’s Clean Screen® THC Utilized in Multi-Matrix Cannabinoid Post-Mortem Study

As Cannabis use continues to rise worldwide, more research is needed in the antemortem and postmortem toxicology of THC and its metabolites. Postmortem toxicology is crucial for death investigations but can be challenging due to postmortem redistribution (PMR). Blood and urine are the preferred samples for analysis, but may not always be available during a…

Dynein-Powered Cell Locomotion Guides Metastasis of Breast Cancer

Dynein-Powered Cell Locomotion Guides Metastasis of Breast Cancer

Metastasis of cancer cells is the primary cause of death in cancer patients and continues to be one of the most difficult clinical problems. There are many theories about how metastasis occurs, but the main aspects have been linked to a protein complex, actomyosin, that plays a role in muscle contraction. Actomyosin-driven locomotion depends on…

The Fractionation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons from a Petroleum Extract Is Messy Business – Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons

The Fractionation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons from a Petroleum Extract Is Messy Business – Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Most states have their method for extraction and fractionation, or they borrow one from another state. The sample is extracted with methylene chloride, solvent exchanged into n-hexane, and concentrated to a final volume. Fractionation is performed on a small 3 to 5g. silica gel column that has been pre-rinsed with n-hexane. The aliphatic hydrocarbons are…

Use of Clean Screen® DAU to Quantify and Confirm the Primary Fentanyl Metabolite in Equine Urine

Use of Clean Screen® DAU to Quantify and Confirm the Primary Fentanyl Metabolite in Equine Urine

The abuse of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is well known in humans. However, its misuse is becoming more popular in horseracing to enhance the performance of the racehorses. Fentanyl has both an analgesic and stimulatory effect on horses. The use of fentanyl in equine sports is prohibited by both the Association of Racing Commissioners International…

Cannabidiol Extraction and Quantification from Gummies

Cannabidiol Extraction and Quantification from Gummies

Katherine Biggie, a graduate student from Bowling Green State University, has published an excellent thesis entitled “CANNABIDIOL EXTRACTION AND QUANTIFICATION: A COMPARISON OF FOUR SOLVENT BASED EXTRACTION METHODS IN GUMMY MATRICES.” Four extraction methods were compared to determine the ideal method to use with a gummy matrix. The four methods are acetonitrile soak, QuEChERS followed…

GC–MS Analysis of Soil Faecal Biomarkers Uncovers Mammalian Species and the Economic Management of the Archeological Site

GC–MS Analysis of Soil Faecal Biomarkers Uncovers Mammalian Species and the Economic Management of the Archeological Site

While United Chemical Technologies is most well-known for our high-quality solid phase extraction products and specialty silanes, silicones, and siloxanes, we also provide high-quality derivatizing reagents (DRs), with a wide variety of scientific applications. While DRs, such as UCT’s SBSTFA, are most used to help analyze current events such as blood, urine, or soil analysis,…

Is it Orange Juice?

Is it Orange Juice?

Orange juice is among the top10 ten most adulterated beverages sold to consumers. Renowned analytical chemists Drs. Jian Wang and Willis Chow from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have developed a method utilizing QuEChERS extraction and UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap mass spectrometry to determine what is orange juice from concentrate (FC) and not from concentrate (NFC)….

Nature Finds A Way: Greening of Potato Tubers Retards Bacteria Growth, or Why Our Parents Peeled the Potatoes

Nature Finds A Way: Greening of Potato Tubers Retards Bacteria Growth, or Why Our Parents Peeled the Potatoes

For many of us, we can remember our parents and grandparents peeling potatoes before cooking them. For those of us who like the taste of potato skins, we often wondered why they bothered. Before mass production and grocery stores, people grew their potatoes in a garden or bought them from people who raised them in…

Clean Screen® DAU Used in Heroin-related Death Study Conducted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Clean Screen® DAU Used in Heroin-related Death Study Conducted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Drug trends in some regions of the world are extensively studied while in other regions little to no research has been done. For example, countless studies have been performed in the United States of America while in the midst of its opioid epidemic. Meanwhile, in the Arabian Gulf region, only a few studies have been…

Per-Aqueous Liquid Chromatography for the Separation of Polar Compounds‑Preparation and Characterization of Poly (ethylene oxide‑co‑dimethylsiloxane) Based Stationary Phase

Per-Aqueous Liquid Chromatography for the Separation of Polar Compounds‑Preparation and Characterization of Poly (ethylene oxide‑co‑dimethylsiloxane) Based Stationary Phase

United Chemical Technologies is widely known for our high-quality solid phase extraction products and stationary phases. Though we full equipped to make custom bonded phases for clients, we love to see what researchers discover on their own. A research group from the Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Naturais do Pontal in Brazil is studying a…

Mushrooms for Memory?

Mushrooms for Memory?

Researchers worldwide have been studying Hericium erinaceus [1] (also called lion’s mane mushroom, mountain-priest mushroom, or bearded tooth fungus). This magical mushroom is common throughout North America, Europe, and Asia and can be seen growing on dead American beech and maple trees in late summer and autumn. Most research involves testing how various compounds extracted…

Clean Screen XCEL I Used to Confirm Fentanyl Overdose in Italian Case Study

Clean Screen XCEL I Used to Confirm Fentanyl Overdose in Italian Case Study

Fentanyl, a well-known synthetic opioid approximately 100 times more potent than morphine, continues to be a public health issue. In cases of a fentanyl overdose, it is difficult to determine the cause of death based on toxicological information alone due to the tolerance of habitual users and significant post-mortem redistribution. An Italian group published a…

Physicochemical Properties Predict Retention of Antibiotics in Water-in-Oil Droplets

Physicochemical Properties Predict Retention of Antibiotics in Water-in-Oil Droplets

The ability to study antibiotic resistant pathogens by using methods such as antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) is important, especially with the rapid emergence of more and more antibiotic resistant pathogens. AST is a method with uses droplets of solutions as individual, isolated environments, thus allowing for high-throughput experiments. The ability for small molecule antibiotics to…

The use of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy to Determine Specific Second-Generation Rodenticide Diastereomer Ratios Within Wildlife Liver Samples: The Pursuit Towards a Safer Bait Formula

The use of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy to Determine Specific Second-Generation Rodenticide Diastereomer Ratios Within Wildlife Liver Samples: The Pursuit Towards a Safer Bait Formula

A recently published master’s thesis from UC Davis discusses rodenticide diastereomers in wildlife liver samples. Liver samples from both targeted and non-target wildlife were analyzed for this project. Non-target species included coyotes, gray foxes, and cougars. The student used chicken liver for the control. Samples were analyzed for the cis and trans isomers of bromadiolone…

Testing of drugs using human feto-maternal interface organ-on-chips provide insights into pharmacokinetics and efficacy

Testing of drugs using human feto-maternal interface organ-on-chips provide insights into pharmacokinetics and efficacy

There are a very limited number of medical interventions to prevent placental-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth (PTB) and no interventions available for pre-eclampsia (PE). This is because pharmaceuticals are unable to cross feto-maternal interface (FMi) barriers and there is lack of proper models to test drug interactions, teratogenicity, and cytotoxicity at those…

Researchers study the targeted and non-targeted analysis of pesticides in wheat and investigate pesticides’ influence on wheat cultivated under field conditions.

Researchers study the targeted and non-targeted analysis of pesticides in wheat and investigate pesticides’ influence on wheat cultivated under field conditions.

QuEChERS extraction ECQUEU750CT-MP (4.0 g MgSO4, 1.0 g NaCl, 1.0 g sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate, 0.5 g sodium citrate dibasic sesquihydrate) QuEChERS cleanup ECQUEU315-MP (900 mg MgSO4, 150 mg PSA, 150 mg C18) ECMPS15CT (900 mg MgSO4, 150 mg PSA) ECQUCHL215CT (900 mg MgSO4, 300 mg C18, 300 mg ChloroFiltr®)   Researchers at the Institute…

High-Resolution Optical Tweezers Combined with Multicolor Single-Molecule Microscopy

High-Resolution Optical Tweezers Combined with Multicolor Single-Molecule Microscopy

Optical tweezers (OT) are a device that can manipulate individual molecules with cells by using light from low-wattage lasers and are used to study and manipulate DNA and RNA. There is a serious limitation to these optical tweezers. They can only measure a single degree of freedom, which is then projected onto a single dimension….

Clean Screen® DAU cited in research on simultaneous analysis of Caffeine and metabolites by GCMS

Clean Screen® DAU cited in research on simultaneous analysis of Caffeine and metabolites by GCMS

Caffeine and its major metabolites; Theobromine, Theophylline and Paraxanthine are routinely monitored by anti-doping agencies as potential performance enhancers. Similar precursors and product ions of Theophylline and Paraxanthine makes the LCMS analysis of this panel very challenging. The aim of the study was to develop an efficient extraction and analysis method for caffeine and metabolites…

The shape of pleomorphic virions determines resistance to cell-entry pressure

The shape of pleomorphic virions determines resistance to cell-entry pressure

The study of viruses is a never-ending battle. Even for well-studied viruses such as the influenza A virus, scientists are continuing to discover new data. A research group in Brandeis University has begun to study the particle structure of viruses to determine how the shape influences infectivity. This study used fluorescently labeled microscope slides, functionalized…

QuEChERS Mylar Multi-Packs (No Tubes)

Researchers Investigate Six Common Pesticides in Wines and the Associated Risk Assessments

Romanian scientists¹ have developed a quick and easy analytical method to determine if wines contain pesticide residues less than the European Union’s maximum residue limits. They focused on the detection of six pesticide residues in red, rosé, and white wines. The pesticides chosen were Acetamiprid, Chlorantraniliprole, and Iprovalicarb, Myclobutanil, Tebuconazole, and Oxiathiapiprolin. The researchers used…

Strong cation Exchanger (BCX) cited in a study on a radiopharmaceutical for Neuroendocrine tumor

Strong cation Exchanger (BCX) cited in a study on a radiopharmaceutical for Neuroendocrine tumor

With a growing interest in clinical applications in recent years, the demand for Gallium-68 (68Ga) has also increased. 68Ga-DOTATATE is used as a radiotracer in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to detect and evaluate cancer-causing Neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cells. A particle accelerator, Cyclotron, is used in generating radioactive isotope 68Ga at a large scale. In a recent study published…

An Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for Detection of CdkN2A/p16 Anti-oncogene Based on Functional Electrospun Nanofibers and Core-shell Luminescent Composite Nanoparticles

An Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for Detection of CdkN2A/p16 Anti-oncogene Based on Functional Electrospun Nanofibers and Core-shell Luminescent Composite Nanoparticles

In the pursuit of cancer research and clinical applications, one of the most important factors is the recognition and quantitation of the CdkN2A/p16 anti-oncogene, AKA the multiple tumor suppressor 1 gene (MTS1). This gene is associated with metastatic spread of tumor cells, which, in general terms, the higher the quantified amount of this gene, the…

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A New Single-Laboratory Validated Method for the Detection of Pyrethroid Metabolites in Milk by GC/MS

With concerns over the household use of pyrethroid pesticides for mosquito control, researchers in Thailand have developed a validated method for analyzing cis/trans-permethrinic acid in powdered milk. Pyrethroids are naturally occurring pesticides that are synthesized to manufacture mosquito coils and sprays for home use.  These pesticides can bioaccumulate in women’s bodies and be excreted in…

Importance of umbilical cord analysis in determining prenatal drug exposure

Importance of umbilical cord analysis in determining prenatal drug exposure

Fentanyl serves as a powerful analgesic agent to manage pain during labor and delivery. However, prolonged prenatal exposure can make babies drug dependent and sudden discontinuation may result in conditions like Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) or Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS). Adequate literature on the suitability of umbilical cord as a specimen for drug testing…

Myelination and Node of Ranvier Formation in a Human Motoneuron−Schwann Cell Serum-Free Coculture

Myelination and Node of Ranvier Formation in a Human Motoneuron−Schwann Cell Serum-Free Coculture

Motor neurons allow the body to move, speak, and breathe due to the propagation of action potentials between neuron nodes. The space between neurons, known as a node of Ranvier, are protected by a myelin sheath. When these nodes or sheaths, become damaged, they lead to demyelinating neuropathies such as schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome…

Fungicides Affect Leafy Vegetable Biochemistry

Fungicides Affect Leafy Vegetable Biochemistry

Researchers at the Institute of Plant Protection-National Research Institute and the Academy of Agrobusiness in Poland determined individual fungicides, Fluazinam, Dithianon, and Dodine, and mixtures of the three fungicides cause diverse effects in leafy vegetables. When researchers mixed the herbicides, they discovered that Fluazinam had a longer dissipation time and Dithianon and Dodine degraded faster….

XtrackT SPE column used in research work focused on doping control in horse racing

XtrackT SPE column used in research work focused on doping control in horse racing

The major metabolite of Dopamine, 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) is monitored in equine urine samples as an indicator of dopaminergic manipulation from Levodopa administration. Tyramine is a biogenic amine produced by decarboxylation of amino acid L-Tyrosine. Changes in the diet could alter the concentration of tyramine making it a potential biomarker for monitoring dopamine abuse. The goal…

Silane Coupling Agent Modifies the Mechanical Properties of a Chitosan Microfiber

Silane Coupling Agent Modifies the Mechanical Properties of a Chitosan Microfiber

Microfiber materials have been widely used for many applications, in the medical field, such as in sutures. Chitosan fibers, along with chitin fibers, are candidates for similar biofibers due to stronger inherent mechanical properties, however the current synthesis of these fibers, which uses epoxy-based crosslinkers, leads to interruption of the crystalline character of the chitosan,…

Sri Lankan Folk Medicine Could Save Lives

Sri Lankan Folk Medicine Could Save Lives

The terpene-filled plant, Plectranthus zeylanicus Benth can be found growing in the hills of Sri Lanka and has been used in Sri Lankan folk medicine as a treatment for inflammation and microbial infections.  A team of international researchers has been working to isolate the bioactive ingredients of this plant. Previous investigations have found potent 5-LO…

UCT’s DAU column cited in a Study on Postmortem Quantitation of Amphetamine

UCT’s DAU column cited in a Study on Postmortem Quantitation of Amphetamine

In a recent article published in the MDPI journal, authored by Ahmed I. Al-Asmari et al., UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU column (CSDAU203) was employed to extract Amphetamines from cadaveric fluids. The objective of this research was to conduct an epidemiological study concerning Amphetamine related postmortem cases in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. To obtain more information on…

Analyzing pesticides and metal(loid)s in imported tobacco to Saudi Arabia and risk assessment of inhalation exposure to certain metals

Analyzing pesticides and metal(loid)s in imported tobacco to Saudi Arabia and risk assessment of inhalation exposure to certain metals

Researchers at the Reference Laboratory for Food Chemistry, Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, have discovered more toxins in cigarettes than previously thought. The researchers analyzed 60 tobacco samples from 8 popular cigarettes brands commercially available in the Saudi market. They found significant concentrations of toxic metals and banned pesticides. The researchers…

A Circular Gradient-Width Crossflow Microfluidic Platform for High-Efficiency Blood Plasma Separation

A Circular Gradient-Width Crossflow Microfluidic Platform for High-Efficiency Blood Plasma Separation

Clinical diagnostic tests use blood plasma for detecting the biomarkers of illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, and many others. Blood plasma makes up about half of the make up of whole blood and the separation of plasma is both labor and time intensive. A group of researchers from Texas A&M University have designed a microfluidic…

Biochemical Chemical Compounds and Stress Markers in Lettuce upon Exposure to Pathogenic Botrytis cinerea and Fungicides Inhibiting Oxidative Phosphorylation

Biochemical Chemical Compounds and Stress Markers in Lettuce upon Exposure to Pathogenic Botrytis cinerea and Fungicides Inhibiting Oxidative Phosphorylation

Chemical protection of plants is necessary to maximize crop yields.  Consequently, using pesticides can disrupt the concentrations of biochemical compounds in plants and reduce the availability of essential plant nutrients available to the human diet. Researchers at the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute in Poland have recently published a paper showing how…

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Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of a Cannabidiol Supplement in Horses

A new study led by researchers at Oklahoma State University focuses on a better understanding of the pharmacokinetics of orally administered cannabidiol in horses. With the growing popularity of cannabidiol products in the equine industry, it becomes necessary to comprehend the efficacy and pharmacology of such drugs. A low and a high dose of CBD…

Magnetically-Actuated Microposts Stimulate Axon Growth

Magnetically-Actuated Microposts Stimulate Axon Growth

New research published in the Biophysical Journal introduces a new method utilizing magnetically-actuated microposts as a scaffold for the stimulation of axon regeneration. These non-toxic, magnetic microposts, synthesized using tridecafluorooctyltrichlorosilane (United Chemical Technologies PART # T2492) as a mold release agent, were used as scaffolds for neuron growth and support for application of a magnetic field over…

UCT releases 2 new application notes

UCT releases 2 new application notes

UCT has recently published two new application notes described below. View the full details by accessing the associated links!   Release 1: Analysis of Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine and Desethylchloroquine in Urine Using SPE and LC-MS/MS –  Since the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) triggered by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), controversy over the…

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Sorbent the Go-to for Post Mortem Skeleton Analysis

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Sorbent the Go-to for Post Mortem Skeleton Analysis

The main aims of postmortem toxicological analysis are to determine the presence of possible substances in the corpses and their role in the cause of death. For that, conventional matrices typically used are blood, pericardial fluid, vitreous humor and urine, among others. However, in the field of forensic toxicology, there are many cases in which…

UCT QuEChERS Sorbents Cited in Mycotoxin Analysis Article

UCT QuEChERS Sorbents Cited in Mycotoxin Analysis Article

UCT QuEChERS Sorbents Cited in Mycotoxin Analysis Article Oats (Avena sativa) are a type of cereal belonging to the Poaceae grass family of plants. Although traditionally used for animal feed, the beneficial nutritional and physiological effects of oat products have generated an increased demand for oats in human nutrition. However, oats can be contaminated by…

UCT’s Trichlorosilane Integral in Antibody Success Evaluation in Model Viral Agent, Murine Coronavirus

UCT’s Trichlorosilane Integral in Antibody Success Evaluation in Model Viral Agent, Murine Coronavirus

Identifying antibodies (Abs) that neutralize infectious agents is the first step for developing therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostic tools for infectious agents. However, current approaches for identifying neutralizing Abs (nAbs) typically rely on dilution-based assays that are costly, inefficient, and only survey a small subset of the entire repertoire. In a recent paper authored Jose A….

UCT’s Clean Screen® ETG Columns Top Performer for Nerve Agents in Bone Analysis

UCT’s Clean Screen® ETG Columns Top Performer for Nerve Agents in Bone Analysis

In a recently published paper in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology (Katie M Rubin, Bruce A Goldberger, Timothy J Garrett, Detection of Chemical Weapon Nerve Agents in Bone by Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Volume 44, Issue 4, May 2020, Pages 391–401,, the hypothesis that nerve agent metabolites interact with bone was…

UCT’s XtrackT® C18 Cartridges Featured in Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Analysis in Equine Urine for Doping Control

UCT’s XtrackT® C18 Cartridges Featured in Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Analysis in Equine Urine for Doping Control

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly implemented in the treatment of inflammation, pain and fever when used in therapeutic doses in human and veterinary medicine. The use of NSAIDs in racehorses is tightly regulated because of their ability to influence the performance of horses. For this reason, International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) published a…

UCT QuEChERS Featured in Mycotoxins in Oats Analysis!

UCT QuEChERS Featured in Mycotoxins in Oats Analysis!

A recently published article in the Journal of Chromatography B (L. De Colli, C. Elliott, J. Finnan, J. Grant, E.K. Arendt, S.P. McCormick, M. Danaher, Determination of 42 mycotoxins in oats using a mechanically assisted quechers sample preparation and UHPLCMS/MS detection, Journal of Chromatography B (2020), doi: featured a developed and validated method for…

QuEChERS Centrifuge Tubes

UCT QuEChERS Salts & Sorbents Put to Work in Newly Published High-Throughput Mega-Method for the Analysis of Pesticides, Veterinary Drugs, and Environmental Contaminants!

In a new study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the Department of Toxicology and Residue Monitoring in Albania partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Eastern Regional Research Center and the Pesticide Residue Laboratory in Sao Paulo, Brazil to develop and validate a new method for simultaneous determination of 106 veterinary…

FDA Publishes New PFAS in Food Method Utilizing UCT QuEChERS!

FDA Publishes New PFAS in Food Method Utilizing UCT QuEChERS!

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a diverse group of synthetic organofluorine compounds that have been widely used in industrial applications and consumer products such as non-stick cookware, food packaging, fire-fighting foams, carpeting, apparels and metal plating. PFASs are persistent in the environment and are extremely resistant to degradation due to heat, acids or bases….

UCT Specialty Chemical Cited in Microalgae Study

UCT Specialty Chemical Cited in Microalgae Study

Microalgae are promising alternatives to petroleum as renewable biofuel sources, however not sufficiently economically competitive yet. In a recent paper published in Lab On A Chip ((2019) 19 4128) authored by Song-I Han et al., UCT’s specialty chemical tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2- tetrahydrooctyl-1-trichlorosilane was used as an integral part of a microalgae study. In this study, the UCT’s…

UCT Clean Screen EtG Sorbent Cited in Nerve Agent Article

UCT Clean Screen EtG Sorbent Cited in Nerve Agent Article

The use of chemical weapon nerve agents is banned by international convention and widely considered a human rights violation. Nonetheless, nerve agents have been used in attacks on military personnel and civilians in Iraq, Japan, Malaysia, Britain and Syria. For forensic and judicial purposes, verification of nerve agent exposure from biomatrices is needed to unambiguously…

UCT FASt THC Cartridges Cited in Analyzing Beverages for Cannabinoids

UCT FASt THC Cartridges Cited in Analyzing Beverages for Cannabinoids

In the past decade, use of cannabinoids in the United States has increased tremendously. This increase has been primarily in marijuana-infused products, initially as food products and now as beverages. The three most common beverage matrices involve fermented (beer/ale), brewed (tea/coffee), and high sugar (soft drinks). Each of these matrices creates its own analytical challenges….

UCT Clean Screen® Sorbent Cited in Carfentanil Study

UCT Clean Screen® Sorbent Cited in Carfentanil Study

Carfentanil (methyl 1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-[phenyl(propanoyl)amino]piperidine-4- carboxylate) is the most potent opioid used commercially with a quantitative potency approximately 10,000 times that of morphine and 100 times that of fentanyl. The drug is marketed under the trade name ‘Wildnil’ as a general anesthetic agent for large animals. Like its analogue fentanyl, Carfentanil is lipophilic and will readily and…

UCT Clean Screen DAU cited in Postmortem Toxicology Article

UCT Clean Screen DAU cited in Postmortem Toxicology Article

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimated that 76% of drug related fatalities during 2016 were related to the misuse of opioids. The UNODC also reported that the production of opium and cocaine are at the highest levels ever recorded, with the distribution of methamphetamine and cocaine expanding to new regions. The…

UCT Clean Up® Sorbent (CUBCX123) Cited in Radiochemistry Study

UCT Clean Up® Sorbent (CUBCX123) Cited in Radiochemistry Study

Gallium-68 (68Ga, t1/2 ¼ 67.8 min) owns great potential in nuclear medicine being extensively used in labelling of biomolecules like somatostatin and PSMA inhibitor analogues. 68Ga decay to stable Zinc-68 (68Zn) nuclide via electron capture (11%) and positron decay (89%) and is generally produced via 68Ge/68Ga generators. Although this approach is widely used, the generators…

UCT at Emerald Conference Feb 26-29th!

UCT at Emerald Conference Feb 26-29th!

UCT is excited to again participate in Emerald Conference 2020.  Our regional representative Debby Miller along with our Technical Specialist, Melissa Chandler will be present all show to meet with current and prospective customers. Product headlines for 2020 include our rugged Selectra® C18 Column and corresponding method for a simple and robust method for the…


UCT to attend Pittcon 2020!

Ready for another year of Pittcon in Chicago. UCT Domestic and International Sales Representatives will be available during the show to meet with customers and field questions. We are beyond excited to be featuring our all new booth display along with new products to include SPeVAP, our 32 and 48 Position Multi-function Solvent Evaporator along…

UCT Enviro-Clean® HL-DVB SPE Sorbent Cited in Anticoccidial Study

UCT Enviro-Clean® HL-DVB SPE Sorbent Cited in Anticoccidial Study

Anticoccidials, interchangeably referred to as coccidiostats, are used to control coccidiosis and other protozoan infections in food producing animals. Coccidiosis is a parasitic intestinal disease caused by protozoa of the genus Eimeria. Anticoccidials can be classified into two main groups: the ionophores which are naturally occurring polyether antibiotic type compounds, and the synthetic/chemical anticoccidials. Chemical…

UCT Publishes New Method for the Analysis of 16 Cannabinoids in Hemp and Cannabis Samples

UCT Publishes New Method for the Analysis of 16 Cannabinoids in Hemp and Cannabis Samples

With the mounting interest in hemp and cannabis products for medicinal and recreational use around the world, the need for suitable analytical methods to identify and determine the concentration of cannabinoids is essential for ensuring consumer safety. Traditional analyses for measuring the potency of cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp samples have focused mainly on 5…

UCT Silane Cited in Droplet-Based Microfluidic Article

UCT Silane Cited in Droplet-Based Microfluidic Article

The kidneys are considered critical for the long-term control of blood pressure by regulation of body fluid and blood volume. In support of this concept, the kidneys control the systemic activity of the pro-hypertensive renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system by regulating the production and release of renin from juxtaglomerular cells. The relationship between the endocannabinoid system in the…

UCT Frits Cited in Prenatal Tobacco and Alcohol Study

UCT Frits Cited in Prenatal Tobacco and Alcohol Study

Tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy is a serious public health concern, resulting in adverse obstetrical and neonatal outcomes including miscarriage, preeclampsia, low birth weight, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction, decreased head circumference, placenta abruption, and facial abnormalities. Meconium is a good matrix for in utero drug exposure assessment in pregnancies carried to term. Although meconium formation begins as early as 13 weeks, other methods must assess earlier exposure. In this study, we examined whether analysis of fetal liver and placenta from electively terminated pregnancies utilizing solid-phase extraction could determine exposure patterns during the second trimester.

UCT SPE Column and Derivatizing Reagent Cited in Warfarin UKIAFT Presentation

UCT SPE Column and Derivatizing Reagent Cited in Warfarin UKIAFT Presentation

UCT’s long chain C30 SPE was employed to analyze drugs in bottlefly larvae. The research aimed to determine whether varying concentrations of warfarin impacts the development of blue bottlefly larvae and to determine whether warfarin levels in this organism can be correlated to drug concentrations in tissues eaten by the larvae. This research was presented by Richard L. Harries et al., at  the UKIAFT annual meeting in Dublin.

UCT Consumables Cited in Mephedrone Study

UCT Consumables Cited in Mephedrone Study

In a study published in Drug Testing and Analysis, J. Czerwinska et al., (doi: 10.1002/dta.2525), developed a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method using UCT’s Selectra® PFPP LC column for the simultaneous quantification of mephedrone and five of its phase I in human whole blood after extraction with UCT’s Xtrackt® solid phase extraction (SPE) columns. Mephedrone’s stability in whole blood has been previously investigated but this is the first-time stability of its metabolites has been assessed, indicating -20°C to be the recommended storage condition for all analytes.

Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Opiate GC-MS/MS Article

Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Opiate GC-MS/MS Article

In a recent paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bky077), authored by Mohammad Ali Al Saad et al., UCT’s Clean Screen®DAU was employed to extract opiates from whole blood. This method was validated for the simultaneous determination of codeine, morphine, 6-acetylmorphine (6-MAM), hydrocodone and hydromorphone in human blood samples

UCT Sorbent Cited in TIAFT Fentanyl and 18 Novel Fentanyl Analogs Presentation

UCT Sorbent Cited in TIAFT Fentanyl and 18 Novel Fentanyl Analogs Presentation

UCT’s famous Clean Screen® DAU was used to extract fentanyl and 18 additional compounds from whole blood samples. A fit-for-purpose method validation adapted from SWGTOX was performed by assessing the following criteria over five days: bias, precision, linear dynamic range, interferences and carryover.

UCT 521 Enviro-Clean® 521 Sorbent Cited in Disinfection Study

UCT 521 Enviro-Clean® 521 Sorbent Cited in Disinfection Study

In a recent paper authored by Wan-Ning Lee et al, published in Food Chemistry ((2018) 256 319-326) UCT’s Enviro-Clean® 521 solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges were used to analyze 40 conventional and emerging DBPs in fresh cut produce wash water by modified EPA methods. The authors reported that good recoveries (60–130%) were achieved for most DBPs in deionized water and in lettuce, strawberry and cabbage wash water. The method detection limits are in the range of 0.06–0.58 μg/L for most DBPs and 10–24 ng/L for nitrosamines in produce wash water. 

UCT Silane Cited in Plasmon Research Study

UCT Silane Cited in Plasmon Research Study

Ultrasensitive and selective detection and quantification of dopamine (DA) plays a key role in monitoring neurodegenerative diseases and the detection limit reported is typically in the lower nanomolar range. Pushing the detection limit to picomolar (pM) or lower for this particular target to cover the physiological levels (< 130 pM) is significant. In the following article, DA DNA aptamer (DAAPT) gold nanoparticle (AuNP) conjugate is utilized to enhance the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) signal, which enables to detect and quantify DA in the femtomolar (200 fM) to pM range.

XtrackT® Cited in New Psychoactive Substances Article

XtrackT® Cited in New Psychoactive Substances Article

In a recent paper published in Drug Testing and Analysis, UCT’s Xtract® solid phase extraction sorbent was used to extract a diverse range of new psychoactive substances (NPS) from samples of waste water. Temporal trends were found in wastewater with distinct tendencies for synthetic cathinones visible over the period studied.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Cardiac Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Cardiac Study

In a recent study by Guillermo Alberto Keller et al., published in Journal of Opioid Management , UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU was used to extract Propoxyphene (DPX)  and norpropoxyphene (NPX) from human plasma and analyzed by GC-MS. Plasma samples (500 µl) were treated with a strong alkali hydroxide to form NPX amide and extracted using CSDAU203. The recovery of the procedure was higher than 81%.  

UCT’s DETA cited in Stem Cell Research Study

UCT’s DETA cited in Stem Cell Research Study

In a recent paper authored by Navaneetha Santhanam et al, published in Biomaterials ((2018) 166 64-78), UCT’s specialty chemical 3-trimethoxysilyl propyl diethylenetriamine (DETA), an amine-terminated alkylsilane, was employed to promote cell adhesion. This study was designed to develop and evaluate a prototype of a drug-screening platform for neuromuscular junctions at different modes of operation: presynaptic and/or postsynaptic

UCT Flagship Sorbent Cited in Khat Analysis Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Cited in Khat Analysis Study

In a recent study authored by Ibraheem M. Attafi et al., published in the Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine ((2018) 7(1) 922-930)), a postmortem case report aimed to identify and determine the concentration of cathine and cathinone in different body organs and green chewed plants found in the mouth of the deceased. Extraction of the khat compounds was performed using UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU in conjunction with LC-MS/MS quantitative analysis to confirm that samples were positive for cathinone and cathine.

DAU Sorbent cited in Equine Toxicology Study

DAU Sorbent cited in Equine Toxicology Study

In a recent study published in Drug Testing and Analysis (DOI: 10.1002/dta.2378), authored by Heather K. Knych et al, UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU was employed to extract grapiprant following oral administration to exercised thoroughbred horses. Grapiprant is a newly approved non‐ cyclooxygenase inhibiting non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug that has demonstrated efficacy and safety in other species. As long‐term use of these drugs can adversely impact the health of the horse, anti‐inflammatories with a more favorable safety profile are warranted.

UCT XtrackT® Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent Cited in Environmental Analysis Article

UCT XtrackT® Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent Cited in Environmental Analysis Article

UCT’s XtrackT® solid phase extraction sorbent (XRDAH506) was employed in a validated method to isolate several illicit drugs from urban waste water samples in South Australia. The occurrence of five drugs of abuse in raw influent and treated effluent wastewater was investigated over a period of 1 year in Adelaide. Results showed that all the targeted drugs were on average incompletely removed by wastewater treatment, with removal performance highest for morphine (94%) and lowest for MDMA (58%). 

UCT QuEChERS Cited in Agro-Industry Article

UCT QuEChERS Cited in Agro-Industry Article

In a recent paper published in Food Chemistry by Claudio Alister et al., (oi: j.foodchem.2018.06.090), A UCT’s QuEChERS blend containing 4 g magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), 0.5 g of disodium citrate (C6H6Na2O7), 0.5 g of trisodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) and 1 g of sodium chloride (NaCl) was employed in the primary extraction of  pesticides from prunes. In the secondary clean up stage, 1.5 g MgSO4 and 0.25 g of PSA (UCT Selectra®) were used.

UCT Clean Up® Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent cited in Mycotoxin Study

UCT Clean Up® Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent cited in Mycotoxin Study

In a recent paper authored by Lia D. Murty et al., published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b00963), UCT’s Clean Up® solid phase extraction silica was employed in the study of co-exposure of the mycotoxins Lolitrem B and Ergovaline in steers fed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) straw. Past research showed a strong linear correlation between levels of the two mycotoxins in ryegrass.

UCT Specialty Chemical cited in Mechanobiology Study

UCT Specialty Chemical cited in Mechanobiology Study

In a recent article published in Lab on a Chip, authors Donghee Lee et al., (DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00320C), used UCT’s specialty chemical (Tridecafluoro-1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrahydrooctyl)-1- Trichlorosilane (T2492-KG) in a mold-making process. This involved the production of a microfluidic cell compression device that improved a microfluidic device proposed previously by equipping it with an array of cell compression units. The device contained a 5×5 array of alginate-chondrocyte constructs. This microfluidic cell was employed to investigate human cartilage cells. T2492-KG played an integral part of this procedure.

UCT Derivatizing Reagent cited in Forensic Anthropology Study

UCT Derivatizing Reagent cited in Forensic Anthropology Study

In a recent study, authored by Susan Luong et al., (Forensic Science International ((2018), 285 93-104)) UCT’s derivatizing reagent O-Bis(trimethylsilytrifluoroacetamide) containing 1% trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA (1% TMCS)) was employed to assist with the gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis of a cadaveric break down product. In this research, a human cadaver was placed on the surface of a designated plot at the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research (AFTER), the only human decomposition facility in Australia. The natural process of decomposition was allowed to progress over fourteen days during the summer.

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Cited in 3-Methylfentanyl Article

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Cited in 3-Methylfentanyl Article

3-Methylfentanyl (3-MF) has reappeared in the United States illicit drug market for the first documented time since 1988. In a paper authored by Melissa F. Fogarty et al., published in Drug Testing and Analysis (doi: 10.1002/dta.2414) an analytical method was developed and validated using UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU (130 mg/ 3 mL). Liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry was the instrument of choice for the analysis of (±)- cis-3-MF and (±)-trans-3-MF in blood specimens. The linear dynamic range of this method was 0.1-10 ng/mL.

UCT Specialty Chemicals Cited in Cancer Study Article

UCT Specialty Chemicals Cited in Cancer Study Article

In a recent paper authored by Xiaoying Wang published in Talanta ((2018) 187 179-187), UCT’s specialty chemicals Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and trimethoxysilylpropy-diethylenetriamine (DETA) were employed in the process to produce an electrochemiluminescence (ECL) biosensor for detection of CdkN2A/p16 anti-oncogene based on functional electrospun nanofibers and core-shell luminescent composite nanoparticles.

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Novel Fentalogs Article

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Novel Fentalogs Article

Methoxyacetylfentanyl and cyclopropylfentanyl are two of the newest illicit opioids that are infiltrating the heroin market. They both have been reported by the Drug Enforcement Administration in their third quarter report of 2017 to have been chemically identified seven and five times, respectively. In a recent paper authored by Melissa F. Fogarty et al., published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bky035), an analytical method was developed and validated to extract fentalogs from whole blood samples using UCT’s Clean Screen ® DAU. The method used LC-MS/MS for the quantitation of fentanyl, norfentanyl and 17 fentanyl analogs. 

UCT QuEChERS Used for Analysis of Herbicide in Infant Formula

UCT QuEChERS Used for Analysis of Herbicide in Infant Formula

Haloxyfop is a selective herbicide that is used to protect crops such as potatoes and carrots against persistent grasses. In a recent paper authored by Urairat Koesukwiwat et al., (Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, the authors developed and validated a simple method for total haloxyfop analysis in infant formula and related ingredient matrices using UCT’s QuEChERS and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). 

UCT QuEChERS Extraction Salts Cited In PFASs Study

UCT QuEChERS Extraction Salts Cited In PFASs Study

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are widely used in the manufacturing of various industrial and consumer products including nonstick food packaging, stain repellents and aqueous film-forming foams. In a recent paper published in Chemosphere ( (2018) 199 168-173) by Adcharee Karnjanapiboonwong et al., UCT’s QuEChERS extraction salts (4,000 mg MgSO4/1,000 mg NaCl) were employed to extract PFAS and other carboxylic acid compounds from earthworms. This was the first study on earthworms in PFAS-spiked soil at background concentrations. It was found that PFASs can be detected in earthworms even in the 0.1 mg kg1 soil treatment after 21-day exposure.

UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU cited in NPS article

UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU cited in NPS article

Mitragynine is a novel psychoactive substance (NPS) that has emerged as a designer opioid. Also known as kratom , it possesses both stimulant-like and sedative effects due to dual-binding of α-adrenergic and μ-opioid receptors. This herbal remedy is readily available online and can cause adverse effects including tachycardia, agitation, tremors, hallucination and death. In a recent article published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology by Trista H. Wright, UCT’s flagship sorbent, Clean Screen® DAU, was employed to extract the drug from whole blood. The author reports that a suspect in a driving under the influence case admitted to using Mitragynine to a drug recognition expert (DRE) officer.

UCT Silane Cited in Clinical Microbiology Article

UCT Silane Cited in Clinical Microbiology Article

In a recent paper authored by Wanyuan Ao et al., published in Journal of Clinical Microbiology ( .1128/JCM.00982-17), UCT’s polymer amine-functional T-structure polydimethylsiloxane ([TSPS] was used in the manufacturing process to coat crystalline silicon wafers in which curing took place at 150°C for 24 hours. The crystalline silicon chip is integral to the analytical process.

UCT Silane Cited in Organ-On-Chip Article

UCT Silane Cited in Organ-On-Chip Article

Organ-on-chip platforms aim to improve preclinical models for organ-level responses to novel drug compounds. Heart-on-a-chip assays in particular require tissue engineering techniques that rely on labor-intensive photolithographic fabrication or resolution-limited 3D printing of micro-patterned substrates, which limits turnover and flexibility of prototyping. In a recent paper authored by Janna C. Nawroth et al., published in Biofabrication ( Biofabrication ((2018) 10 025004), UCT’s silane chemicals were used for soft lithography fabrication of stamps for micro-molding hydrogels. The authors developed a rapid and automated method for large scale on-demand micro-patterning of gelatin hydrogels for organ-on-chip applications using a novel biocompatible laser-etching approach.

UCT Clean Screen® EtG SPE Sorbent cited in Alcohol/Drugs Licensing Article

UCT Clean Screen® EtG SPE Sorbent cited in Alcohol/Drugs Licensing Article

Elena Lendoiro et al., published in Forensic Science International (/ on the use of UCT’s Clean Screen® EtG solid phase extraction sorbent to determine the ethyl glucuronide (EtG) content of drivers suspected of alcohol/drugs driving cases under voluntary conditions. A validated analytical method for EtG was established which had a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 5 pg/mg of hair. It was found that 22 hair samples were positive for EtG where concentrations (20.7-1254.1pg/mg) were higher than the Society of Hair Testing (SoHT) cut-off for chronic alcohol consumption (≥30 pg EtG per mg of hair) in 21 cases.

UCT PSA Sorbent Cited in Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim Fish Analysis Paper

UCT PSA Sorbent Cited in Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim Fish Analysis Paper

Brazil is one of the largest veterinary markets in the world, and aquaculture, in particular fish farming, is the fastest growing sector of animal food production in the country. In fish farming, antimicrobials, including sulfonamides, are used for the treatment of bacterial diseases. Sulfonamides belong to an important group of synthetic antimicrobial agents that have been used in human and veterinary medicine for over 60 years. Recently, these drugs have been extensively employed in animals intended to produce food for human consumption.

In a recent paper authored by Katia Nunes et al., published in Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry (, a multiresidue method for detecting and quantifying sulfonamides (sulfapyridine, sulfamerazine, sulfathiazole, sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfamethoxypyridazine) and trimethoprim in tilapia fillet (Oreochromis niloticus) was developed and validated using UCT’s QuEChERS clean-up products in conjunction with liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). 

Congratulations to Mariem Al Bouwalda – Recipient of the 2018 UCT Sponsored “Best Overall Chemistry Performance” from the Dublin Institute of Technology!

Congratulations to Mariem Al Bouwalda – Recipient of the 2018 UCT Sponsored “Best Overall Chemistry Performance” from the Dublin Institute of Technology!

UCT would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Mariem Al Bouwalda for winning the 2018 UCT sponsored “Best Overall Chemistry Performance” in the specialized field of Nanotechnology. Mariem is a student at the Dublin Institute of Technology’s School of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Sciences. She was presented with the prestigious award celebrating student research and ingenuity on February 22nd, 2018. 

Once again, on behalf of everyone at UCT, Congratulations Mariem on your outstanding work and we wish you all the luck in your future scientific endeavors!

UCT Enviro-Clean ® 521 Cartridges cited in Emerging Disinfection Bi-Products Article

UCT Enviro-Clean ® 521 Cartridges cited in Emerging Disinfection Bi-Products Article

In produce processing, water used to wash both fresh and fresh-cut produce is commonly treated with sanitizers for the purpose of controlling pathogens and minimizing microbial cross-contamination. Chlorine-based sanitizers are most commonly used for produce processing in the food industry (FAO/WHO, 2008). While chlorine’s efficacy in controlling pathogens is well recognized, one of the main concerns is the reactivity of chlorine with organic and inorganic substances to generate harmful disinfection bi-products (DBPs) and emerging DBPs of concern including haloacetonitriles, halonitromethanes, haloacetamides, and nitrosamines (NISAMs). Monitoring these DBPs is necessary to protect food safety but comprehensive analytical methods have been lacking. 

In a recent paper authored by Wan-Ning Lee et al., published in Food Chemistry (, UCT’s Enviro-Clean® 521 sorbent (200 mg/ 6 mL) was employed to analyze DBPs and NISAMs in food wash water. 

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Umbilical Cord Drug Testing Article

UCT Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Umbilical Cord Drug Testing Article

Analysis of umbilical cord samples offers forensic toxicologists a method for evaluating maternal drug intake patterns. These matrices may be an uncommon sample for many laboratories, but for those that are tasked with the challenge, solid phase extraction offers the most efficient methodology for the analysis of said compounds.

In recent paper authored by Amy Alexander et al., in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bky009), UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen®DAU (CSDAU020) was employed to analyze samples of umbilical cord taken from two monozygotic twins. It was found that the umbilical cord from newborn #1 was positive for hydromorphone only (1.06 ng/g), and the umbilical cord from newborn #2 was positive for hydromorphone (0.81 ng/g) and benzoylecgonine (5.41 ng/g).

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Oral Cocaine Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Oral Cocaine Study

For many forensic toxicologists, studying the biological pathways of illicit drugs is important if offering interpretation to the submitting agents. One of the most common drugs seen by forensic toxicologists on a routine basis is cocaine. The pharmacokinetic profile of oral cocaine has not been fully characterized and prospective data on oral bioavailability is limited. In a recent paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bky007) by Marion A.Coe, set al., a within-subject study was performed to characterize the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of oral cocaine. This study was performed using UCT’s most famous solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent Clean Screen DAU®(ZSDAU020) to extract the compound and metabolites.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in SOFT-TIAFT U-47700 Presentation

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in SOFT-TIAFT U-47700 Presentation

Several deaths in the US and Europe have been attributed to U-47700 both alone, and in combination with other drugs. In a presentation given at the recent SOFT-TIAFT conference in Boca Raton by M.L. Zaney et al., postmortem cases from a regional medical examiners laboratory in Florida, USA were presented in which U-47700 was detected either in blood or drug paraphernalia. In the study, whole blood specimens were extracted using UCT’s flagship Clean Screen® DAU solid phase extraction (SPE) columns. 

Join UCT at the Medical Cannabis Educational Summit March 5th, 2018!

Join UCT at the Medical Cannabis Educational Summit March 5th, 2018!

Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) is hosting its Spring 2018 Medical Cannabis Educational Summit. UCT, in conjunction with Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, will be leading a symposium for those who work in cannabis testing laboratories or are looking to start one.  Talks will be given on sample preparation, chromatography, quantitation of cannabinoids and the regulation of cannabis.  The event will provide scientific insight into the ever expanding cannabis market.  Click below to register and learn more about the event:

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU Cited in SOFT-TIAFT Meeting Presentation

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU Cited in SOFT-TIAFT Meeting Presentation

In a presentation at the recent joint annual meeting of Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT) and The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) held in Boca Raton, Florida, USA, Jamie Foss et al., employed UCT’s famous flagship sorbent, Clean Screen® DAU (CSDAU 130 mg/3 mL), in a study concerning the determination of matrix suppression in blood/urine samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The study involved the solid phase extraction (SPE) of benzoylecgonine, carboxy-THC, Fentanyl, 6-monoacetyl morphine, and hydrocodone and the related matrix effects.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Cited in Synthetic Fentanyl Analysis Article

UCT Flagship Sorbent Cited in Synthetic Fentanyl Analysis Article

In a recent paper authored by Kraig E. Strayer et al., published in ACS Omega ((2018) 3 514-23), UCT’s famous flagship sorbent Clean Screen ® DAU was employed to extract fentanyl analogs from whole blood. The authors describe the development and validation of a solid phase extraction (SPE) process combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry-based method for the multiplex detection of  24 illicitly manufactured fentanyl analogues and metabolites in whole blood at concentrations as low as 0.1−0.5 ng per mL using the UCT sorbent. 

UCT Specialty Chemical cited in Monolithic Chromatography Study

UCT Specialty Chemical cited in Monolithic Chromatography Study

Monolithic materials are versatile adsorbents widely employed in separation science, sample preparation and as supports for flow through applications (e.g. heterogeneous catalysis, ion-exchange, solid-phase extraction, etc). Interest around their preparation and applications has been steadily on the rise. In a recent paper published in Journal of Chromatography A ((2017) 498 46-55) by Patrizia Simonea et al., UCT’s specialty chemical N-trimethoxysilylpropyl)-polyethylenimine was employed in the production of capillary methacrylate-based monoliths. This process was executed by grafting from/to ƴ -ray polymerization on a tentacle-type reactive surface for the liquid chromatographic separations of small molecules and intact proteins.

Congrats to Sara Demspey, Timothy Lau, and Raquel Leblanc – Winners of the 2017 SOFT Excellence in SPE Awards!

Congrats to Sara Demspey, Timothy Lau, and Raquel Leblanc – Winners of the 2017 SOFT Excellence in SPE Awards!

UCT would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Sara Demspey, Timothy Lau, and Raquel Leblanc – Winners of the 2017 SOFT Excellence in SPE Awards. This award appropriately reflects the recent outstanding contributions they made to the field of Solid Phase Extraction in Forensic Science. 

UCT Derivatizing Reagents Cited in ATS Study

UCT Derivatizing Reagents Cited in ATS Study

Amphetamines Type Substances (ATS), which include amphetamine (AMP), methamphetamine (MA), 4-methylamphetamine (4-MA), 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine (MDEA), cathinone (CAT), and ephedrine (EPH), are widely acknowledged as common identified drugs of abuse.  Alternative, new-age synthetic cathinones such as methcathinone (MC) and mephedrone (MEP) are frequently observed in forensic toxicology cases but were originally marketed as “bath salts”. In a new paper authored by Khaled M Mohamed and Abdulsallam Bakdash published in Analytical Chemistry Insights ((2017) 12 1–16), UCT’s high-puritiy fluoroacyl derivatization reagents were employed in the analysis of ATS extracted from oral fluid (OF) samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). 

UCT XtrackT® Sorbent Cited in Drugs in Wastewater Article

UCT XtrackT® Sorbent Cited in Drugs in Wastewater Article

Environmental analysts are often tasked with the evaluation of illicit and prescription drugs in wastewater samples in an attempt to better understand the epidemiology of a populated area. Due to the challenging consistency of this matrix, clean-up is often vital in order to achieve accurate detection. In a recent paper authored by Richard Bade et al., published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (, UCT’s Xtrackt®, large-particle, solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges (XRDAH506) were utilized for the detection of licit and illicit drugs in wastewater samples in Southern Australia.

UCT’s Clean Screen® Xcel /FASt Sorbents Cited in Phenothiazine Study

UCT’s Clean Screen® Xcel /FASt Sorbents Cited in Phenothiazine Study

For many forensic toxicologists working with active drugs, the parent substrates may not be present in biological matrices, only the metabolites. From these metabolites, the parent drug may be assessed. This is typically performed by characterization of both the parent and metabolites. In a recent paper authored by Courtney Campbell et al., in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx067), a validated method for the characterization of degradation products formed from selected phenothiazine drugs was employed utilizing solid-phase extraction (SPE) and UCT’s XCEL1 (130 mg in 48 well plate format). 

UCT’s CUNAX2 Solid Phase Sorbent Cited in Surfactant Article

UCT’s CUNAX2 Solid Phase Sorbent Cited in Surfactant Article

Many contaminants are now entering the composition of industrial and domestic products (personal care products, cosmetics, detergents, etc.). Following a massive and varied use of these products, significant amounts of pollutants can be found at different levels of the water cycle, particularly in urban areas. Healthcare facility discharges, by their nature, are often considered as non-domestic effluent, which can provide significant pollution comparatively to other domestic sources. In a recent paper authored by Alexandre Bergé et al., published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research (, UCT’s mixed-mode anion exchange solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges, CUNAX2 (200 mg/ 3 mL), were employed for the extraction/preconcentration of surfactants in waste water samples.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in Piperazines Stability Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in Piperazines Stability Study

Of all the drugs plaguing analytical forensic toxicologists, the newer psychoactive substances (NPS) are the most challenging. One of the older NPS’s is the Synthetic Piperazines (SP) class. While circumventing legislative controls, SP’s are encountered as “legal” alternatives to ecstasy. Forensic toxicologists often meet unforeseeable challenges that may delay quantitative analysis of these compounds in biological fluids. Enzymatic reactions, matrix interferences and limited knowledge of analyte stability further complicate interpretation of calculated concentrations in the wide range of matrices submitted to the laboratory for analysis. In a recent paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology by Timothy Lau et al., (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx090) the stability of SP’s in human blood under various storage conditions over time was investigated using UCT’s famous flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU for the extraction process.

UCT Specialty Chemical Cited in Biomolecular Study

UCT Specialty Chemical Cited in Biomolecular Study

In a recent paper published in ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering by Darin Edwards et al., (DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00596), UCT’s organosilane DETA (N-1 [3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl]-diethylenetriamine, T2910KG) was used to form a monolayer on a microslide by the reaction of the cleaned surface with a 0.1% (v/v) mixture of the organosilane in freshly distilled toluene. These slides were used to study biological cultures involving N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) and α-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazolepropionic Acid (AMPA) channel expression. The cultures were exposed to synaptic transmission antagonists against NMDA and AMPA channels which revealed significantly different receptor profiles of adult and embryonic networks in vitro.

UCT Silane Cited in Biomolecular Engineering Paper

UCT Silane Cited in Biomolecular Engineering Paper

In a paper authored by E. L. Jackson-Holmes et al., in Lab on a Chip ((2017), 17, 3634), UCT’s silane, tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2- tetrahydrooctyl-1-trichlorosilane, was employed in an integral role in a vapour form to produce a polydimethylsilane (PDMS) master in a procedure in which a microfluidic platform was developed for culture, longitudinal monitoring, and phenotypic analysis of individual stem cell aggregates. This novel platform uses a hydrodynamic loading principle to capture pre-formed stem cell aggregates in independent traps. 

Explore UCT’s Ultra Flash® and Metal Scavenging Lines!

Explore UCT’s Ultra Flash® and Metal Scavenging Lines!

Ultra Flash® I: Standard Ultra-Pure Silica Line

Ultra Flash®II: Spherical High Pressure Silica Line 

Ultra Flash® III: iLOK® Pre-packed Standard Ultra-Pure Silica Line 


• 100% guaranteed leak-free 
• Clean, pre-packed, pharmaceutical-grade polypropylene cartridges 
• Made with ultra-pure normal phase silica gel 
• Easy purification with disposable columns provided in an extensive range…
• 100% compatibility with other instruments: 
   ◘ Teledyne Isco (CombiFlash® : Rf, Companion®, RETRIEVE®, OptiX®
   ◘ Biotage (IsoleraTM, SP, Flash, FlashMaster II) 
   ◘ Analogix (Varian) (IntelliFlash 310 and 280, SimpliFlash, F12/40) 
   ◘ Interchim (PuriFlashTM 430evo) 
   ◘ Grace (Reveleris® System) 
   ◘ Armen (Spot Flash System) 
   ◘ Yamazen (Smart Flash EPCLC W-Prep 2XY) 
   ◘ BUCHI (Sepacore®)

Join UCT for an upcoming Separation Science Forensics & Toxicology e-Seminar November 28 & 30th, 2017!

Join UCT for an upcoming Separation Science Forensics & Toxicology e-Seminar November 28 & 30th, 2017!

Separation Science has developed its fourth online eSeminar focusing on advances in forensics and toxicology. Taking place in two sessions, one each on 28 and 30 November 2017, this two-day online educational event will provide forensic scientists, toxicologists and those who work in laboratories within the forensic and toxicology industries with updates and guidance on the latest methods, protocols, processes and applications of chromatography, mass spectrometry and related techniques with key experts providing practical insights into their respective fields.

Our very own Forensic Technical Specialist, Tina Fanning, will be presenting in conjunction with an extensive panel of additional key experts in the field. The e-Seminar will comprise 7 presentations over 2 sessions featuring UCT’s platform topic, “A Modified QuEChERS Approach for the Extraction of Common Prescription and Illicit Drugs from Liver Prior to LC/MS-MS Analysis.” Click below to register for this exciting and informative event:

UCT Clean Screen FASt® cited in Forensic Toxicology Study

UCT Clean Screen FASt® cited in Forensic Toxicology Study

Of the challenges facing forensic toxicologists working in the post mortem field, the analysis of decomposed or skeletal remains for the presence and concentrations of drug compounds may be the most difficult. The use of bone as a matrix for toxicological analysis has been investigated extensively since 2000. These studies, involving both human and animal remains, have shown a wide variability in detected drug and metabolite levels across different bone types. Interpretation of toxicological measurements in bone is also complicated by the inability to properly determine analyte recovery from bone tissue. In a recent study published in Drug Testing and Analysis by H. M. Cornthwaite et al., (doi: 10.1002/dta.2327), UCT’s world famous Clean Screen FASt® solid phase extraction sorbent in 96 well plate format (100 mg bed mass) was employed to extract tramadol (TRAM), dextromethorphan (DXM) and their respective metabolites from skeletal remains. 

UCT MSTFA Derivatizing Reagent Cited in Archaeological Study

UCT MSTFA Derivatizing Reagent Cited in Archaeological Study

The determination of original source of use-related residues on prehistoric stone tools is especially challenging, due to issues related to preservation, contamination and multiple source residue the contributions. To increase confidence in this process, an analytical workflow was developed by Susan Luoing et al., published in Analytical Methods (2017, 9, 4349) which included a sampling strategy that retains spatial information of the recovered residues and enables monitoring of environmental contamination; and a sensitive and selective gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/ MS) procedure to quantify non-volatile low molecular weight lipids on stone artefacts. Representative aliquots were spiked with internal standards.  After extraction of the lipids and evaporation of the extracts, the samples were derivatized with UCT’s MSTFA (N-Methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide) containing 1%TCMS (1% trimethylchlorosilane) silylation reagent.  

UCT QuEChERS Kits Cited in Cranberry Perfluoroalkyl Substances Study

UCT QuEChERS Kits Cited in Cranberry Perfluoroalkyl Substances Study

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), in particular perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), have been widely studied due to their persistence, distribution, toxicity and bio-accumulation in humans and the environment. These compounds can enter the environment through landfills (products containing stain repellents, food packaging), wastewater treatment plants (industry waste) and from the use of firefighting foams (aqueous film-forming foams [AFFFs]). In a recent study by Susan Genualdi et al., (FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS: PART A, 2017 ), UCT’s QuEChERS kits (AOAC 2007.1, 6 g MgSO₄ with 1.5 g NaCl) and dispersive SPE (dSPE) sorbent (0.9 g MgSO₄, 0.3 g primary secondary amine [PSA], 0.15 g graphitized carbon black [GCB]) and were used for the extraction of PFAS in cranberries. 

UCT Silane Cited in Cellular Research Article

UCT Silane Cited in Cellular Research Article

In a recent article published in Lab on Chip by E.L. Jackson-Holmes et al., (DOI: 10.1039/C7LC00763A), tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl-1-trichlorosilane from UCT was integral in the production of a mold to perform their intended research. In the procedure, a master mold was fabricated by standard UV photolithography with the negative photoresist to create three layers of respective heights 200 μm, 100 μm, and 200 μm. In making the polydimethylsilane (PDMS) molding, the master was treated with the UCT silane vapor to allow release of the PDMS. These three-dimensional pluripotent stem cell (PSC) cultures have the ability to undergo differentiation, self-organization, and morphogenesis to yield complex, in vitro tissue models that recapitulate key elements of native tissues.  For more information on UCT specialty chemicals visit

UCT Silane (TSPS) cited in Microbiology Article

UCT Silane (TSPS) cited in Microbiology Article

Numerous polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) and isothermal amplification methods employed currently in molecular diagnostic assays have been developed, significantly improving assay sensitivity and specificity as well as shortening overall time. In spite of this objective, nucleic acid target amplification continues to present challenges for dealing with “false-positive” results due to environmental or reagent contaminants introduced during the testing process. This has been addressed in a recent article authored by Wanyuan Ao et al., published in PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171915 in which UCT silane amine-functional T-structure polydimethylsiloxane (TSPS) was described in the production of crystalline silicon wafers. In this paper, the authors describe a strategy that can distinguish between staphylococcus species truly present in a clinical sample from contaminating staphylococcus species introduced during the testing process.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Carfentanil Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Carfentanil Study

In a new paper authored by Szabolcs Sofalvi et al., published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology ((2017) 41 473–483), a validated method for the extraction of fentanyl, norfentanyl, acetyl fentanyl, carfentanil, 2-furanyl fentanyl and 3-methylfentanyl was reviewed using Clean Screen®  DAU and LC-MS/MS to identify these novel compounds along with their corresponding concentrations.



UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Study

The analysis of hair provides forensic toxicologists with several significant benefits in casework. Not only is it utilized when more conventional matrices such as blood and urine are not available, but also it provides an approximate timeline of drug use. Hair analysis is particularly useful in cases of child custody, workplace drug testing or in drug facilitated sexual assault cases. In a new paper authored by Lorna A Nesbit et al., published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx053) a group of NPS compounds (25B-, 25C- and 4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxy-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-benzeneethanamine) and 25I-NBOMe, using 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-benzeneethanamine (25B-NBOMe)-D3, were analyzed using UCT’s flagship SPE sorbent Clean Screen® DAU (CSDAU133).  

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® Cited in Synthetic Cathinones Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® Cited in Synthetic Cathinones Study

In recent years, the abuse of newer psychoactive substances (NPS) such as synthetic cathinones or ‘bath salts’ has become a major public health concern. These compounds were initially sold legally and labeled “not for human consumption.” Three popular drugs of this type are methylone, mephedrone, and 3, 4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). Unfortunately, there is currently no information available on the teratogenicity of these compounds, or of the extent to which they cross the placenta. In a recent paper authored by Lauren G. Strange et al., published in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology ((2017) 63 9–13) this issue was  addressed by employing UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU followed by analysis utilizing HILIC LC-MS/MS. The purpose of this study was to examine the pharmacokinetic profile of the ‘bath salts’ in a pregnancy model using an animal model.

UCT’s  CUQAX SPE sorbent cited in Perfluorinated Organic Substances (PFOS) article

UCT’s CUQAX SPE sorbent cited in Perfluorinated Organic Substances (PFOS) article

In a recent paper authored by Jana H.Johansson et al, published in the journal Emerging Contaminants ((2017) 3 46-53)), UCT’s world famous Clean Up® QAX sorbent was employed in a study involving the analysis of PFOS, especially water-to-air transfer of branched and linear perfluorooctanoic acids (PFOA).UCT is known around the world for the production of the finest sorbents for environmental type extractions and PFOS are now gaining recognition as compounds of environmental interest. In this study, the volatilization of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was measured experimentally at a range of pH values using a validated laboratory method published by the authors. 

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Opioids Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Opioids Study

In a recent paper authored by Nicolás Fernández et al., published in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (DOI10.1002/rcm.7933), the researchers describe a new method in which UCT’s flagship sorbent, Clean Screen® DAU (CSDAU303), was used for the simultaneous quantification of Meperidine, its main metabolite Normeperidine,Tramadol, Propoxyphene, and its main metabolite Norpropoxyphene in plasma samples. 

UCT Clean Screen® THC Column Cited in Post Mortem Study

UCT Clean Screen® THC Column Cited in Post Mortem Study

Marijuana, known for its euphoric and relaxing properties, continues to be the most commonly abused illicit drug globally. While the substance has numerous desirable affects like those noted above, long-term use has been shown to result in impaired memory, cognitive skills and psychomotor function through the psychoactive properties of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its hydroxylated metabolite (THC-OH). UCT has been at the forefront of the analysis and quantification of THC and THC-OH in biological fluids through the use of the Clean Screen® THC sorbent and extraction column.   

Congratulations to Sara McGrath at the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for winning the 2017 NACRW Excellence in Sample Prep Award!

Congratulations to Sara McGrath at the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for winning the 2017 NACRW Excellence in Sample Prep Award!

UCT would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Sara McGrath at FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for winning the 2017  NACRW Excellence in Sample Prep Award sponsored by UCT. The winning poster presentation was entitled, “Strategies for Extraction and Purification of Tetrodotoxin and Saxitoxin from Fish Filets with LC-MRM/MS Analysis.”

Once again, on behalf of everyone at UCT, Congratulations Sara on your outstanding research!

UCT’s Clean Screen® Xcel 1 SPE 96 Well Plates Cited in Animal Study

UCT’s Clean Screen® Xcel 1 SPE 96 Well Plates Cited in Animal Study

The correlation of drugs in decomposed human remains and animals is very useful for forensic toxicologists working with complex matrices that go beyond post mortem samples.  In a recent paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Lucas M. Morrison et al.,(doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx040)  employed UCT’s famous Xcel I SPE sorbent to extract Dextromethorphan (DXM) and its primary metabolite (DXT) from the remains of rats. They analyzed DXM and DXT in skeletal remains of rats following acute (ACU, 75 mg/kg, IP, n = 10) or three repeated (REP, 25 mg/kg, IP, n = 10, 40-minute intervals) doses of DXM. 

UCT Dispersive SPE Sorbent Cited in Anticoagulant Rodenticides Article

UCT Dispersive SPE Sorbent Cited in Anticoagulant Rodenticides Article

In a new paper by Lori Smith et al, published in the Journal of Food and Agricultural Chemistry (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02280), a wide and diverse range of anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) were analyzed in rodent liver samples using UCT’s dispersive SPE (d-SPE) tubes for sample clean-up. ARs are used to control rodent populations, acting as vitamin K antagonists by inhibiting vitamin K epoxide reductase. Consequently, formation of prothrombin and related blood-clotting factors (VII, IX and X) are blocked, causing massive hemorrhage and mortality. 

UCT Flagship Clean Screen®  DAU cited in NPS Article

UCT Flagship Clean Screen® DAU cited in NPS Article

UCT is well-recognized for its flagship solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent Clean Screen® DAU. This acclaimed sorbent is employed by many forensic toxicology laboratories for the extraction of drugs and metabolites from biological matrices, including the increasingly encountered novel psychoactive substances (NPS). In a new paper authored by C.Mitchell-Mata in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx048), CSDAU206 was used to extract 3- and 4-methoxyphencyclidine (3-MeO-PCP, 4-MeO-PCP) in forensic cases.

UCT QuEChERS Kits Cited in Neonicotinoid Identification in Honey

UCT QuEChERS Kits Cited in Neonicotinoid Identification in Honey

UCT, the first company to commercialize the QuEChERS technique, still maintains its support for facilities around the world analyzing food samples for the detection of herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides. The most widely used class of the insecticides in last twenty years are neonicotinoids, which act as receptor agonists of nicotinic acetylcholine. In a paper published in Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture by P. Jovanov et al., (2017) 21, 53-55)), UCT’s famous QuEChERS  buffered sample extraction kit , ECQUEU750CT,  and general dispersive cleanup kit,  ECMPS15CT, were used in the extraction of honey samples taken from the Province of Vojvodina, Poland, for the presence of neonicotinoids. 

UCT Clean Screen ®THC cited in Drugs and Driving Study from Orange County, California

UCT Clean Screen ®THC cited in Drugs and Driving Study from Orange County, California

Driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) has become a growing issue nationwide and likewise in Orange County (OC), California. In research published in Journal of Forensic Sciences by K. Declues et al., UCT’s famous Clean Screen® THC SPE cartridges were used to extract cannabinoids from samples of whole blood taken from apprehended drivers in OC over a two-year period. In this study (Part II of a two stage study), a comparison was conducted of examined objective signs, eye examinations and physiological indicators with their relationship to the presence of identified concentrations of THC. 

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Beta Blockers/Beta Agonists Paper

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in Beta Blockers/Beta Agonists Paper

UCT’s flagship solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent, Clean Screen® DAU, has been employed by countless forensic toxicology laboratories for the extraction of various drugs and metabolites from biological samples. In a recent paper published in Journal of Chromatographic Science (doi: 10.1093/chromsci/bmx045) by A.A. Salem et al, this acclaimed sorbent (130 mg in 3 mL format) was effectively utilized to isolate β-blockers and β2-agonists from human plasma and urine.

UCT Xtrackt® SPE Columns Cited in Horse Steroid Analysis Article

UCT Xtrackt® SPE Columns Cited in Horse Steroid Analysis Article

In the field of animal sports toxicology, UCT is recognized around the world as the premier manufacturer of the finest sorbents for the extraction of steroids and other doping agents in equine urine. In a recent paper published in Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis by H.D.Shin et al., (doi= 10.1016/j.jpba.2017.06.036) a high throughput method for simultaneous screening of anabolic steroids and their metabolites (4-esterendione, trenbolone, boldenone, oxandrolone, nandrolone, methandrostenolone, testosterone, 1-androstendione, ethisterone, normethandrolone, methyltestosterone, 16β-Hydroxystanozolol, epitestosterone, bolasterone, norethandrolone, danazol, stanozolol and androstadienone) in equine urine was developed using UCT’s large particle Xtrackt® SPE sorbent (XRDAH203).

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in new Fentanyl/Opioids Analogs Paper

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen® DAU cited in new Fentanyl/Opioids Analogs Paper

Since the introduction of Fentanyl as a legitimate medication, UCT has been at the forefront of assisting forensic toxicology facilities with the finest solid-phase extraction (SPE) sorbents and methodologies to extract and concentrate the drugs efficiently. With the recent emergence of newer potent analogs in the illicit community, UCT has expanded upon its existing sample preparation methods to include these novel, structurally similar derivatives. In a new paper authored by E.N.Shoff et al., published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx041), the determination of fentanyl analogs and other opioids in postmortem cases is thoroughly detailed employing Clean Screen® DAU solid-phase extraction cartridges as an integral part of this methodology. 

UCT Silane (DETA) cited in bio-physiological research paper

UCT Silane (DETA) cited in bio-physiological research paper

UCT is widely recognized as the premier manufacturer of specialty chemicals by researchers working in the area of biological analysis and modeling. This is exemplified by a paper published in Biomaterials by X.Guo et al.,  ((2017) 122 179-187).  In their study,  they report the de novo induction of human intrafusal skeletal muscle fibers from satellite cells and their synaptic connection with human stem cell-derived sensory neurons in a defined in vitro system. As an integral part of the study, process microscope coverslips were coated with UCT’s silane trimethoxysilylpropyldiethylenetri-amine (DETA, T2910KG) and were used to produce a film by the reaction of the cleaned surfaces with a 0.1% (v/v) mixture of the organosilane in freshly distilled toluene. This film was employed to study the induction of intrafusal fibers which were characterized by morphology and fiber-type specific transcription factor expression using phase microscopy and immunocytochemistry.

UCT Clean Screen® ZSDAU020 cited in Synthetic Cathinones Study

UCT Clean Screen® ZSDAU020 cited in Synthetic Cathinones Study

UCT is recognized around the world for its outstanding support of forensic toxicologists/ toxicology facilities and understanding the many challenges that face analysts on a day to day basis. Some of the major obstacles are the extraction and analysis of new synthetic cathinones in blood by GC-MS. In a recent paper published in Analytical Methods ((2017) 9 2732) by K. A. Alsenedi and C.Morrison, samples of whole blood were extracted using UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® ZSDAU020 and eluted with a methylene chloride-isopropanol-ammonium hydroxide solution. Following evaporation, the residues were modified with six acylation reagents and compared for their derivatization potential. 

UCT Clean Screen® FASt (Filter & Shoot) Cartridge Cited in New Drug (Tianeptine) Case Study

UCT Clean Screen® FASt (Filter & Shoot) Cartridge Cited in New Drug (Tianeptine) Case Study

UCT in recognized around the world not only for manufacturing the finest solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbents, but also providing scientific support for clinical and forensic toxicology accounts worldwide. UCT’s FASt (Filter & Shoot) sorbent has recently been utilized in the analysis of the novel pharmaceutical tianeptine in forensic toxicological urine samples by S.K Dempsey et al., in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx034) .

UCT Silane Cited in Novel Separations Article

UCT Silane Cited in Novel Separations Article

UCT is world renowned as the premier manufacturer of the finest specialty chemicals including silanes and siloxanes. Researchers in the field of separation science looking to advance the boundaries require the finest of materials for their studies. In a recent paper authored by Patrizia Simone et al., (Journal of Chromatography A ((2017) 1498, 46-55) a UCT silane (N-trimethoxysilylpropyl)-polyethylenimine was utilized as an important reagent in the production of a monolith for separations of small molecules and intact proteins.

UCT’s ChloroFiltr® cited in Agrochemical Paper

UCT’s ChloroFiltr® cited in Agrochemical Paper

UCT is recognized around the world as the first company to commercialize the use of the QuEChERS technique for use in pesticide and herbicide analysis. While supplying a large diversity of commonly available clean-up sorbents, UCT is sole supplier of ChloroFiltr®, a novel polymeric based sorbent designed for the removal of chlorophyll from acetonitrile extracts without compromising on the recovery of planer pesticides.

In a recent paper published in Environmental Science and Technology Letters by E.M.Peterson et al., (DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00123), ChloroFiltr®  is put to use for the analysis of neonicotinoids on wildflowers close in proximity to cattle feed yards. 

Recognizing UCT’s Latest Intern – Stephanie Oddi

Recognizing UCT’s Latest Intern – Stephanie Oddi

Recently Arcadia University’s Forensic Science Program did an Internship Spotlight on Stephanie Oddi, UCT’s 2016-2017 intern. We would like to share her feedback from her experience here below and also thank her for all the valuable time and contributions she has provided to our internal R&D efforts. Best of luck Stephanie as you move forward in the forensic community! We wish you nothing but the best – From Your UCT Mentors!

Clean Screen ® DAU cited in U.S. Medical Examiner Heroin Article

Clean Screen ® DAU cited in U.S. Medical Examiner Heroin Article

Over the past two decades, prescription and illicit opioid use has led to changes in public health policy to address the increasing number of opiate/ opioid-related deaths. UCT’s flagship sorbent, Clean Screen® DAU, is recognized as the finest solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent for opiate/opioid extraction and analysis from biological samples. In a new paper published in Journal of Forensic Sciences (House Publication of American Academy of Forensic Sciences) JFS doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13511 by Love et al., cases submitted for analysis to Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office between 2004 through 2015 were extracted utilizing UCT’s DAU column, where heroin was identified as a significant contributor or as the primary cause of death.

Join UCT at Emirates Forensic!

Join UCT at Emirates Forensic!

UCT is pleased to be attending for the first time Emirates Forensic, the Middle East region’s largest event on Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine. Emirates Forensic will be held from 2nd to 4th of April 2017 in Sheikh Maktoum Hall of the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre. The show is being organized by INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions Org. Est along with its strategic partner, Dubai Police. Stop by BOOTH A05 to learn more about UCT’s latest product offerings and collaborations. 

UCT SPE Sorbent cited in Ractopamine Method Validation Paper

UCT SPE Sorbent cited in Ractopamine Method Validation Paper

UCT is known in the industry as the premier manufacturer of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) sorbents. Many of these clean-up products are commonly utilized in the food safety and public protection markets, for example in the detection of Ractopamine (RAC) in animal feed. RAC is a phenylethanolamine that has been approved for use as a feed additive in some countries to enhance leanness in animal selected species. It is used with the purpose of increasing the rate of weight gain, improving feed efficiency and increasing carcass leanness. Despite these benefits, the use of RAC has been related to adverse effects in cardiovascular and central nervous systems of animals and consumers. In a paper authored by Caldeira et al., published in the journal Accreditation and Quality Assurance ((2017) 22,91–96), an analytical method was developed and validated based on extracting RAC with acetate buffer, hydrolyzing with β-glucuronidase and a purifying by SPE using UCT’s world renowned flagship SPE sorbent Clean Screen® DAU. 

Check out UCT’s new technical article in Chromatography Today, “A Modified QuEChERS Approach for the Extraction of Common Prescription and Illicit Drugs from Liver Prior to LC-MS/MS Analysis.”

Check out UCT’s new technical article in Chromatography Today, “A Modified QuEChERS Approach for the Extraction of Common Prescription and Illicit Drugs from Liver Prior to LC-MS/MS Analysis.”

Preliminary studies have shown that the QuEChERS technique should be considered as a reliable alternative when extracting multiple drug classes from challenging biological matrices. The project described here, explores a modified universal QuEChERS approach for sample clean-up in post-mortem liver, coupled with LC-MS detection, for the analysis of several common prescription and illicit drugs. Read more here

UCT Specialty Chemical (TSPS) cited in Clinical Chemistry Article

UCT Specialty Chemical (TSPS) cited in Clinical Chemistry Article

UCT is known around the world as the premier manufacturer of the finest specialty chemicals used in the field of clinical research. In a recent paper published in Plos One (12(2): e0171915. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171915) by R.Jension et al., “A novel approach to eliminate detection of contaminating Staphylococcal species introduced during clinical testing”, UCT’s T-structure polydimethylsiloxane (TSPS) was used to coat crystalline wafers used in the procedure. This chip utilizes TSPS as a specialty chemical integral to the process. 

Strawberries remain at top of pesticide list, report says.

Strawberries remain at top of pesticide list, report says.

The recently released annual report by the Environmental Working Group found that nearly 70% of samples of 48 types of conventionally grown produce were contaminated with pesticide residues. This year, strawberries remained at the top of the list of produce with the highest concentration of pesticides, while sweet corn and avocados were ranked as having the lowest concentration.  For all your pesticide residue detection needs visit To read more about the recently released report, click here

UCT’s Flagship Sorbent (ZSDAU020) cited in Remifentanil article

UCT’s Flagship Sorbent (ZSDAU020) cited in Remifentanil article

UCT is recognized for its support for the forensic toxicology community not only domestically, but abroad. This is demonstrated in a new article published in the journal Toxicologie Analytique & Clinique authored by Dr.J Long et al.,( 2352-0078). In this paper, the authors utilize UCT’s famous Clean Screen ® DAU solid phase extraction column (ZSDAU020) to extract remifentanil, a short acting fentanyl analogue, from post mortem blood samples. This is believed to be the first report of a concentration of remifentanil in postmortem blood.

UCT QuEChERS cited in Food Protection Paper

UCT QuEChERS cited in Food Protection Paper

UCT is world renowned for its support for analysts and scientists working in the area of environmental food protection for the public utilizing any of our Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) or QuEChERS (“quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe”) sorbents and pre-packed pouches. In a recent paper by L. Han et al., working with Dr. S. Lehotay at US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USA) in the journal Food Control (2016) 66 27-282),  an easy and reliable high-throughput analysis method was developed and validated for 192 diverse pesticides and 51 environmental contaminants (13 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) congeners, 14 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 7 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) congeners, and 17 novel flame retardants) in cattle, swine, and poultry muscle.

UCT Enviro Clean® SPE Columns Cited in N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Paper

UCT Enviro Clean® SPE Columns Cited in N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Paper

UCT Inc., is known around the world as the premier manufacturer of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) sorbents. It’s support for analysts performing testing in the field of environmental sample testing for public protection has been a core activity for over thirty years. In a recent paper published in Environmental Science Water Research & Technology ((2016), 2, 502) by D.L.McCurry et al., UCT’s Enviro Clean® activated carbon SPE columns were employed to extract and analyze NMDA from water.

Visit UCT at the 3rd Annual 2017 Emerald Conference February 2nd-3rd

Visit UCT at the 3rd Annual 2017 Emerald Conference February 2nd-3rd

UCT is proud to support Emerald Scientific’s 2017 annual conference which is devoted to the deep exploration and discussion of the science of cannabis, including analytical testing, extraction and infusion sciences, cultivation sciences, clinical applications, inter-lab comparison and proficiency testing, state regulations, industry standardization, and more.  Please join us all week at BOOTH 132 to learn more about our latest product offerings including QuEChERS products and well-plates geared towards the analysis of cannabis and edible products, Selectra® HPLC columns, GC liners, Selectra-Sil® Dervatizing Reagents, and Ultra Flash® Flash Chromatography Purification offerings. 

UCT Enviro Clean QuEChERS and SPE cited in Food Analysis Paper

UCT Enviro Clean QuEChERS and SPE cited in Food Analysis Paper

In the agricultural community, there are thousands of pesticides that could be potentially used to protect crops. In a recent paper published in Journal of Food and Agricultural Chemistry (J. Agric. Food Chem. (2017) 65, 473,493) by J.Wang et al., (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Calgary, Canada), UCT’s Enviro Clean QuEChERS Pouches were used in conjunction with Enviro Clean 15mL dSPE centrifuge tubes for targeted screening of 448 pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables.

UCT to Attend 2017 MSACL in Palm Springs!

UCT to Attend 2017 MSACL in Palm Springs!

UCT is excited to participate in the 9th Annual MSACL Conference & Exhibit. Stop by BOOTH 1 to learn about all our latest product offerings and collaborations, including our HPLC columns, QuEChERS products geared towards the analysis of cannabis and edible products, Abalonase®/ Abalonase®+ Purified Beta Glucuronidase, as well as our full line of sample preparation products, reagents, and accessories.

UCT Silane cited in Biomaterials Paper

UCT Silane cited in Biomaterials Paper

UCT Inc., is highly regarded by researchers in the area of biomechanical analysis for the manufacture and production of the very finest specialty chemicals including silanes and siloxanes. In a new paper by Prof. J.Hickman et al., NanoScience Technology Center, University of Central Florida (Journal of Biomaterials (10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.01.005)), UCT’s specialty chemical trimethoxysilylpropyldiethylenetriamine (DETA, T2910KG) was employed to produce a film on microscope slides. These slides were then used for the induction of human intrafusal skeletal muscle fibers from satellite cells and their synaptic connection with human stem cell-derived sensory neurons in a defined in vitro system.

UCT QuEChERS Kits Cited in the Analysis of Asian Style Sauces

UCT QuEChERS Kits Cited in the Analysis of Asian Style Sauces

UCT is known around the world as the first company to commercialize the QuEChERS ((Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe) approach and is proud to support facilities involved in food safety testing using this technique. In a new paper published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b05051) by S. Genualdi et al., (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Maryland, USA) the simultaneous analysis of 3- monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and 1,3 dichloropropane-2-ol (1,3-DCP) was executed in asian style sauces. In this report UCT’s extraction mylar pouches (AOAC Blend) which include 6 g MgSO4 with 1.5 g of sodium acetate and dSPE clean-up pouches containing 400 mg of PSA and 400 mg of C18 were employed to perform the QuEChERS extraction prior to analysis of 3-MCPD and 1,3-DCP. This new method utilized direct analysis of the extract without derivatization using gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The developed method was applied to 60 genuine soy sauce samples to determine if concentrations have changed since the FDA limit was set in 2008.

UCT Clean Screen® DAU columns cited in Pharmacology Paper

UCT Clean Screen® DAU columns cited in Pharmacology Paper

UCT is known around the world for its support of clinical pharmacologists and their studies as they look for the finest sorbents to perform the extractions.  In a recent paper by Adam L. Halberstadt  (Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego), UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU (ZSDAU020) was employed in the study involving the interactions between monoamine oxidase inhibitors and the hallucinogen 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior (2016) 143 1–10).Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are often ingested together with tryptamine hallucinogens, but relatively little is known about the consequences of their combined use.

Clean Screen® THC Sorbent Cited in THC-COOH Validation Paper

Clean Screen® THC Sorbent Cited in THC-COOH Validation Paper

Of all the analytical methods available to forensic toxicologists, testing for cannabinoids is one most requested extraction approaches via the technical support team.  In a recent paper authored by Nicolas Fernandez et al., from Universidad de Buenos Aires published in Acta Toxicol. Argent. ((2016) 24 (2): 116-127) UCT’s world famous Clean Screen® THC was employed as the extraction sorbent in an accurate, reproducible, and validated gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method for the quantitation of 11-nor-9-carboxy- Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH), the major metabolite of Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol in urine.

UCT  QuEChERS cited in Perfluoroalkyl Substances Paper

UCT QuEChERS cited in Perfluoroalkyl Substances Paper

UCT QuEChERS cited in Perfluoroalkyl Substances Paper – PFAS’s have recently received increased research attention, particularly concerning aquatic organisms in regions of exposure to Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFFs). In a paper recently published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (DOI: 10.1002/etc.3726) by H.A. Lanza et al., (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA) six PFASs, including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), were extracted from whole fish composites via UCT QuEChERS extraction kits. 

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Coming Soon – QuEChERS Technique for Handling Post-Mortem Matrices

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Coming Soon – QuEChERS Technique for Handling Post-Mortem Matrices

In 2003, the QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) method was developed as a way to improve conventional sample preparation for multi-residue pesticide analysis in a variety of difficult matrices. While the methodology was initially invented for the food testing industry, it has recently caught the attention of several other types of analytical laboratories including the post-mortem drug testing communities. 

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Synthetic Cannabinoid Analysis

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Synthetic Cannabinoid Analysis

The number of products marketed as “legal alternatives to cannabis” or “legal highs” have dramatically increased in popularity in recent years. It can be a real challenge for testing labs to keep up with the new, synthetic cannabinoids. Although these compounds are ever-changing, they are derived from “template structures”, which are ideal candidates for clean-up via solid phase extraction (SPE).

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Oral Fluid Analysis

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Oral Fluid Analysis

It’s no surprise that oral fluid drug testing has gained recent popularity in forensic and clinical laboratories. Not only is it easier to acquire from a sample collection perspective, but also, it’s much less invasive when comparing the measures utilized to solicit urine and blood samples. 

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Identification and Extraction of Fentanyl and Its Newly Emerging Analogues

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Identification and Extraction of Fentanyl and Its Newly Emerging Analogues

It goes without saying that fentanyl related overdoses and deaths were a major public health issue across the United States in 2016 and will continue to be in the upcoming year.  Forensic toxicologists need fast and accurate extraction methodologies in order to not only identify fentanyl but also additional novel analgesics that may be isolated in casework screening protocols.  

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Cannabis Analysis

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Cannabis Analysis

Even within states where recreational cannabis has not been legalized, government funded crime laboratories are seeing an uptick in seized plant and edible cannabis cases.  While toxicology sections are equipped with the tools needed to extract said samples if tasked with this additional work, drug chemistry units may struggle to treat the various edible forms, tinctures and waxes that appear in their laboratory.  

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Enzyme Hydrolysis Rates for Opiates

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Enzyme Hydrolysis Rates for Opiates

The hydrolysis of morphine-3-glucuronide and various other conjugated drug classes such as benzodiazepines and synthetic cannabinoids is routinely fast and efficient. Other compounds prove to be more difficult to covert, such as codeine-6-glucuronide, due to the nature of the chemical bonds at hand and the configuration of the enzyme to the substrate.  

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Baseline LC Separation of Isobaric Compounds

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Baseline LC Separation of Isobaric Compounds

The ability to separate complex mixtures of structurally similar compounds within one method is highly desirable. Additionally, compounds of related structures may also be isobaric with similar fragmentation, rendering them unidentifiable by MS/MS. In these cases, it is essential that these compounds be baseline separated chromatographically. 

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – The Analysis of Δ9-THC and Its Main Metabolites in Whole Blood

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – The Analysis of Δ9-THC and Its Main Metabolites in Whole Blood

While these compounds have been major players in a toxicological setting for quite some time, there still appears to be a generalized struggle to precipitate and extract them efficiently from whole blood. Not only is the ratio of acetonitrile to blood sample critical for proper precipitation of these highly protein-bound compounds, but also the speed in which it’s added along with the working temperature of the solvent at hand. 

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – EtG/EtS Analysis in Urine

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – EtG/EtS Analysis in Urine

Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and ethyl sulfate (EtS) are conjugated ethanol biomarkers.  Due to their highly polar nature (log P of 1.51 and 0.62, respectively) and lack of retention on a traditional reversed phase HPLC column, their analysis is typically plagued by significant ion suppression when using a standard Dilute & Shoot approach.

Opioid overdoses are nearing record levels in the city that’s become a ‘mecca’ for addicts

Opioid overdoses are nearing record levels in the city that’s become a ‘mecca’ for addicts

“During the first weekend of December, nine people died of apparent drug overdoses in and around Kensington, a neighborhood in northern Philadelphia. Those deaths came just weeks after the city, which has become a “mecca” for addicts, saw 50 overdoses — five of them fatal — in one day on November 17. Philadelphia, and the neighborhood of Kensington in particular, has become a focal point for the US’s deepening opioid crisis. ” Read More Here:

UCT Silanization Reagent Cited in Capillary Monolith Paper

UCT Silanization Reagent Cited in Capillary Monolith Paper

UCT Inc., is known around the world for the manufacturing of the very finest in specialty chemicals including (N-trimethoxysilylpropyl)-polyethylenimine. These compounds are regularly employed by researchers in fields such as the production of methacrylate-based monoliths for highly efficient separations. In a recent paper published in Journal of Chromatography A by P. Simone et al., (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy ( capillary methacrylate-based monoliths were prepared for the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation of both small molecules and large biomolecules. An efficient grafting from/to synthetic approach was adopted introducing a network of activated sites in the inner wall surface using the new silanization agent (N-trimethoxysilylpropyl)-polyethylenimine obtained from UCT.

UCT Styre Screen® THC Columns cited in Cannabinoids Paper

UCT Styre Screen® THC Columns cited in Cannabinoids Paper

UCT is well recognized in the analytical testing field for manufactoring the finest silica and polymeric based sorbents. Most recently, The Styre Screen ® SPE column line has been utilized in a paper authored by R.C. Kevin et al., (University of Sydney, Australia) in the journal Forensic Toxicology (doi:10.1007/s11419-016-0330-0) where urinary cannabinoid concentrations were measured during nabiximols (Sativex®)-medicated inpatient cannabis withdrawal. The hydrolysed samples containing (CBD, THC, THC-COOH, and 11-OH-THC) were directly loaded onto Styre Screen® (SSTHC063) SPE columns.  This paper demonstrates the efficiency of UCT’s polymeric Styre Screen® sorbents in the analysis of cannabinoids, and why researchers working in the field of cannabinoid analysis turn first to UCT for the finest in silica and polymeric sorbents. 

UCT SPE Cartridges cited in Equine Toxicology Study

UCT SPE Cartridges cited in Equine Toxicology Study

In the fields of both human and animal toxicology, UCT Inc., is world renowned for its manufacture of the finest SPE sorbents. This is most eloquently demonstrated in an article published in Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ((2016) 39, 469–477) by H.K. Knych et al., (UCSF, Davis) detailing the pharmacokinetics of methocarbamol and phenylbutazone in exercised thoroughbred horses. Methocarbamol (MCBL) commonly used in performance horses for the treatment of skeletal muscle and  phenylbutazone (PBZ), another commonly used drug in performance horses, were both extracted and analyzed using UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen®DAU (CSDAU 130 mg/3 mL). This paper shows that when researchers working in the area of equine toxicology need the finest SPE sorbents for their extractions, they routinely turn to UCT as their first choice.

Check Out UCT’s New Cannabis Technical Article ‘Determination of Cannabinoid Content and Pesticide Residues in Cannabis Edibles and Beverages’ on LCGC!

Check Out UCT’s New Cannabis Technical Article ‘Determination of Cannabinoid Content and Pesticide Residues in Cannabis Edibles and Beverages’ on LCGC!

UCT Silane Cited in Microfluidic Article

UCT has long been recognized for the support of research bio-pharmaceutical scientists working on micro-fluidics through its Specialty Chemical line producing the finest of silanes in the market place. In a recent paper by Kim et al., based at Texas A&M University, USA (Micromachines (2016), 7, 114; doi:10.3390/mi7070114) used UCT’s tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl trichlorosilane in their procedure to produce a microfluidic unit.

UCT SPE Columns Cited in Illicit Fentanyl Fatalities Paper

One of the more recent prescription drugs being abused illicitly is Fentanyl. This compound induces pharmacological effects and abuse liability comparable to other prescription opioids and heroin. A surge in fentanyl-related fatalities has been periodically reported throughout the USA. In an article published in the Special Issue of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT) by a team lead by Prof. B. A. Goldberger ((2016) 40:588–594), UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU was employed to extract and analyze post mortem blood samples for fentanyl. 

Join UCT at CANNCON 2016!

Join UCT at CANNCON 2016!

UCT is proud to support Canncon’s 2016 annual conference which unites cannabis industry experts, instrument manufacturers, testing labs, research scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers and interested novices. Please join us all week at  BOOTH 100 and several other educational platforms to learn more about our latest product offerings

UCT Xtrackt® SPE Cited in Equine Drug Testing Paper

The compound list for forensic and animal toxicologists to identify, confirm and quantify is constantly increasing. In a recent paper published in Analytical Methods ((2016, 8: 1789) Cawley et al., used UCT’s Xtrackt ® SPE column to isolate 2,5-dimethoxy-N- (2-methoxybenzyl)phenethylamine (NBOMe) compounds from samples of equine urine in a  validation study to develop a workflow procedure developed for non-targeted analysis using  a commercial differential analysis software platform. 

DEA Notice on New Drugs

UCT is well known for its support of the forensic toxicology community across the globe. With this in mind, UCT notes that  USA’s Drug Enforcement Administration is placing the substance thiafentanil (4-(methoxycarbonyl)-4-(N-phenmethoxyacetamido)-1-[2-(thienyl)ethyl]piperidine), including its isomers, esters, ethers, salts and salts of isomers, esters and ethers into Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act effective 26 August 2016. 

UCT Launching Ultra-Flash Purification Line at 2016 ACS Meeting!

UCT is excited to participate in the 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition from Aug 21-23rd at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Stop by BOOTH 306 to learn about our 2016 newly launched Ultra Flash® Purification columns! UCT will be featuring 3 distinct lines: standard silica/bonded phase columns, ILOK® format columns conducive for manual assembly and column stacking, and, most notable, our spherical high pressure columns rated up to 400 psi. Our Ultra Flash® Purification line is 100% leak-free, 100% compatible with all flash instrumentation currently in the marketplace, and provided in an extensive range of sizes. Stop by to learn more!

UCT’s Putting a New Spin on dSPE!

UCT is excited to launch our new SpinFiltr™ approach to dSPE clean-up!  Our dual chamber approach features built in submicron filtration and allows the user to simply discard the top device containing unwanted matrix and sorbent following centrifugation. Additional sample volume is recovered without worrying about the disruption of centrifugation layers. UCT is taking the hassle out of dSPE. Try a sample today out of our initial 5 available configurations! Get more details by visiting: or by checking out our recent NACRW poster presentation featuring this product:

Clean Screen THC SPE Column cited in a 2-Year Study of THC Concentrations in the Blood of Drivers in Orange County California

The Clean Screen® THC solid phase extraction (SPE) column is UCT’s flagship THC sorbent. In a paper authored by Declues et al., (Journal of Forensic Sciences (doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13168)) the Clean Screen THC columns were employed to analyze 1204 whole-blood samples confirmed to contain THC alone or in combination with other drugs out of nearly 5000 Orange County, California drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drugs in a extended time period. The limit of quantification (LOQ) for both THC and carboxy-THC was determined  to be 2 ng/ mL in whole blood. This study using genuine drugs and driving cases demonstrates why forensic toxicologist turn time and time again to UCT’s finest sorbents for their analyses.

Clean Screen® DAU SPE Cited in Bathsalts Paper

Clean Screen® DAU SPE Cited in Bathsalts Paper

One of the most difficult challenges facing forensic toxicologists is the extraction, analysis and quantification of  synthetic cathinones. In a paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT) by Peters et al., from East Tennessee University (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkw074), UCT’s flagship SPE Clean Screen® DAU was employed to extract the bathsalts from rat brain tissue. This article demonstrates the power of the Clean Screen®DAU to assist forensic toxicologists in efficiently extracting newer psychoactive compounds from very complex matrices.  

World’s Most Popular Pesticide Cuts Bee Sperm 39 Percent, Study Says

For years, people have wondered what’s killing the bees as populations of the fuzzy pollinators critical to the global food chain have fallen off. They’ve racked up declines of 27.4 to 42.1 percent since 2013, well above the 18.7 percent loss the USDA says is the maximum for being economically sustainable. Now a new study says it’s not that they’re being killed, it’s that they’re not being born. The world’s most popular class of insecticides, “neonicotinoid” pesticides actually cuts bee sperm by 39 percent, according to researchers at the University of Bern, Switzerland. 

Check out UCT’s new article on Cannabis Industry Journal entitled, “HPLC Column Selection for Cannabis Chromatographers.”

Check out UCT’s new article on Cannabis Industry Journal entitled, “HPLC Column Selection for Cannabis Chromatographers.”

UCT’s most recently posted article provides a technical overview of utilizing the appropriate HPLC phase for both potency and pesticide testing in the cannabis industry. Try out one of our recommended Selectra® HPLC columns today!

Congrats to Greg Mercer from USFDA Pacific Regional Lab for winning the NACRW 2016  “UCT Excellence in Sample Preparation Award”

Congrats to Greg Mercer from USFDA Pacific Regional Lab for winning the NACRW 2016 “UCT Excellence in Sample Preparation Award”

UCT would like to extend our congratulations to Greg Mercer from the USFDA Regional Pacific Laboratory for winning the 2016 NACRW  “UCT Excellence in Sample Preparation Award.” The awarded poster presentation was entitled “A Simple and Effective Cleanup Procedure to Produce Quechers Extracts That Are More Compatible with Gas Chromatography” featuring UCT’s Chlorofiltr® dSPE sorbent. This polymeric-based material selectively removes interfering chlorophyll from sample extracts without compromising the recovery of planer pesticides. Try a sample today!

Determination of Methamphetamine Enantiomer Composition in Human Hair Using Clean Screen® DAU SPE Columns.

One of the issues that face forensic toxicologists is the analysis of chiral drugs especially within the amphetamine type substances (ATS). In a recent paper by I. Shu et al., published in the prestigious Journal of Chromatography B ((2016) 1028:145), methamphetamine was extracted using UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU from hair samples. By executing an efficient sample clean-up and concentrating the extract, it allowed for the detection of the analytes in question at the concentrations normally encountered in a hair-based matrix.

UCT Siloxane cited in Split Ring Resonator Research

UCT’s Petrarch Specialty chemical line is world renowned for being of the finest quality and employed by scientists working at the cutting edge of electronic engineering research.In a paper published by Fan Zhou et al (Northeastern University) in Optical Express ((2016), 24: 6367) a detailed study was reported into Split ring resonators which employed the use of UCT product poly[(mercaptopropy)methylsiloxane] (PMMS) to fabricate the soft stamps. Browse UCT’s selection of high quality specialty chemicals today!

UCT ZSDAU020 Columns Cited in Methamphetamine Primate Study

Amphetamine-type stimulants, including methamphetamine, are the world’s second most commonly used illicit drug (surpassed only by marijuana), with at least 30 million people using it regularly. In a recent paper published by D.V.Vaupel et al  working with the scientists at National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU (ZSDAU020) was employed to extract and analyze methamphetamine from the whole blood of eight male rhesus monkeys to gain a better toxilogical understanding of the long-term effects of these compounds.

UCT Silane Cited in Robotic Paper

In the field of human animatronics, the use of specialty chemicals must be of the highest quality due to the degree of precision for the electronics and the engineering that is employed. UCT Inc., is recognized around the world by scientists working in the field of miniaturization of robotics and rightly turn to UCT as the premier manufacturer of the finest specialty silanes.