Specialties Chemicals News

Bifunctional Janus Silica Spheres for Pickering Interfacial Tandem Catalysis

Bifunctional Janus Silica Spheres for Pickering Interfacial Tandem Catalysis

In the synthesis of organic compounds, especially those used as pharmaceuticals, the number of steps in the synthetic route can be limiting in the way of high costs for low yields. Many scientists in the field have done extensive research on alternative ways to shorten these synthetic routes, for time, cost, and yield efficiency, all…

Synthesis and Properties of Cross-Linkable Polysiloxane Using a Super base Catalyst

1,3-Divinyltetramethyldisiloxane (D6210) 1,3,5,7-Tetravinyltetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (PS925; aka Cyclic vinylmethylsiloxanes) Polysiloxanes are widely used in the semiconductor industry as encapsulation materials. These materials have high electrical insulation characteristics and are highly transparent to solar radiation, as well as having a high degree of both chemical inertness and thermal stability leading to a large range of operational temperatures and…

Dynein-Powered Cell Locomotion Guides Metastasis of Breast Cancer

Dynein-Powered Cell Locomotion Guides Metastasis of Breast Cancer

Metastasis of cancer cells is the primary cause of death in cancer patients and continues to be one of the most difficult clinical problems. There are many theories about how metastasis occurs, but the main aspects have been linked to a protein complex, actomyosin, that plays a role in muscle contraction. Actomyosin-driven locomotion depends on…

GC–MS Analysis of Soil Faecal Biomarkers Uncovers Mammalian Species and the Economic Management of the Archeological Site

GC–MS Analysis of Soil Faecal Biomarkers Uncovers Mammalian Species and the Economic Management of the Archeological Site

While United Chemical Technologies is most well-known for our high-quality solid phase extraction products and specialty silanes, silicones, and siloxanes, we also provide high-quality derivatizing reagents (DRs), with a wide variety of scientific applications. While DRs, such as UCT’s SBSTFA, are most used to help analyze current events such as blood, urine, or soil analysis,…

Per-Aqueous Liquid Chromatography for the Separation of Polar Compounds‑Preparation and Characterization of Poly (ethylene oxide‑co‑dimethylsiloxane) Based Stationary Phase

Per-Aqueous Liquid Chromatography for the Separation of Polar Compounds‑Preparation and Characterization of Poly (ethylene oxide‑co‑dimethylsiloxane) Based Stationary Phase

United Chemical Technologies is widely known for our high-quality solid phase extraction products and stationary phases. Though we full equipped to make custom bonded phases for clients, we love to see what researchers discover on their own. A research group from the Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Naturais do Pontal in Brazil is studying a…

Physicochemical Properties Predict Retention of Antibiotics in Water-in-Oil Droplets

Physicochemical Properties Predict Retention of Antibiotics in Water-in-Oil Droplets

The ability to study antibiotic resistant pathogens by using methods such as antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) is important, especially with the rapid emergence of more and more antibiotic resistant pathogens. AST is a method with uses droplets of solutions as individual, isolated environments, thus allowing for high-throughput experiments. The ability for small molecule antibiotics to…

Testing of drugs using human feto-maternal interface organ-on-chips provide insights into pharmacokinetics and efficacy

Testing of drugs using human feto-maternal interface organ-on-chips provide insights into pharmacokinetics and efficacy

There are a very limited number of medical interventions to prevent placental-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth (PTB) and no interventions available for pre-eclampsia (PE). This is because pharmaceuticals are unable to cross feto-maternal interface (FMi) barriers and there is lack of proper models to test drug interactions, teratogenicity, and cytotoxicity at those…

High-Resolution Optical Tweezers Combined with Multicolor Single-Molecule Microscopy

High-Resolution Optical Tweezers Combined with Multicolor Single-Molecule Microscopy

Optical tweezers (OT) are a device that can manipulate individual molecules with cells by using light from low-wattage lasers and are used to study and manipulate DNA and RNA. There is a serious limitation to these optical tweezers. They can only measure a single degree of freedom, which is then projected onto a single dimension….

The shape of pleomorphic virions determines resistance to cell-entry pressure

The shape of pleomorphic virions determines resistance to cell-entry pressure

The study of viruses is a never-ending battle. Even for well-studied viruses such as the influenza A virus, scientists are continuing to discover new data. A research group in Brandeis University has begun to study the particle structure of viruses to determine how the shape influences infectivity. This study used fluorescently labeled microscope slides, functionalized…

An Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for Detection of CdkN2A/p16 Anti-oncogene Based on Functional Electrospun Nanofibers and Core-shell Luminescent Composite Nanoparticles

An Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for Detection of CdkN2A/p16 Anti-oncogene Based on Functional Electrospun Nanofibers and Core-shell Luminescent Composite Nanoparticles

In the pursuit of cancer research and clinical applications, one of the most important factors is the recognition and quantitation of the CdkN2A/p16 anti-oncogene, AKA the multiple tumor suppressor 1 gene (MTS1). This gene is associated with metastatic spread of tumor cells, which, in general terms, the higher the quantified amount of this gene, the…

Myelination and Node of Ranvier Formation in a Human Motoneuron−Schwann Cell Serum-Free Coculture

Myelination and Node of Ranvier Formation in a Human Motoneuron−Schwann Cell Serum-Free Coculture

Motor neurons allow the body to move, speak, and breathe due to the propagation of action potentials between neuron nodes. The space between neurons, known as a node of Ranvier, are protected by a myelin sheath. When these nodes or sheaths, become damaged, they lead to demyelinating neuropathies such as schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome…

Silane Coupling Agent Modifies the Mechanical Properties of a Chitosan Microfiber

Silane Coupling Agent Modifies the Mechanical Properties of a Chitosan Microfiber

Microfiber materials have been widely used for many applications, in the medical field, such as in sutures. Chitosan fibers, along with chitin fibers, are candidates for similar biofibers due to stronger inherent mechanical properties, however the current synthesis of these fibers, which uses epoxy-based crosslinkers, leads to interruption of the crystalline character of the chitosan,…

A Circular Gradient-Width Crossflow Microfluidic Platform for High-Efficiency Blood Plasma Separation

A Circular Gradient-Width Crossflow Microfluidic Platform for High-Efficiency Blood Plasma Separation

Clinical diagnostic tests use blood plasma for detecting the biomarkers of illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, and many others. Blood plasma makes up about half of the make up of whole blood and the separation of plasma is both labor and time intensive. A group of researchers from Texas A&M University have designed a microfluidic…

Magnetically-Actuated Microposts Stimulate Axon Growth

Magnetically-Actuated Microposts Stimulate Axon Growth

New research published in the Biophysical Journal introduces a new method utilizing magnetically-actuated microposts as a scaffold for the stimulation of axon regeneration. These non-toxic, magnetic microposts, synthesized using tridecafluorooctyltrichlorosilane (United Chemical Technologies PART # T2492) as a mold release agent, were used as scaffolds for neuron growth and support for application of a magnetic field over…

UCT’s Trichlorosilane Integral in Antibody Success Evaluation in Model Viral Agent, Murine Coronavirus

UCT’s Trichlorosilane Integral in Antibody Success Evaluation in Model Viral Agent, Murine Coronavirus

Identifying antibodies (Abs) that neutralize infectious agents is the first step for developing therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostic tools for infectious agents. However, current approaches for identifying neutralizing Abs (nAbs) typically rely on dilution-based assays that are costly, inefficient, and only survey a small subset of the entire repertoire. In a recent paper authored Jose A….

UCT Specialty Chemical Cited in Microalgae Study

UCT Specialty Chemical Cited in Microalgae Study

Microalgae are promising alternatives to petroleum as renewable biofuel sources, however not sufficiently economically competitive yet. In a recent paper published in Lab On A Chip ((2019) 19 4128) authored by Song-I Han et al., UCT’s specialty chemical tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2- tetrahydrooctyl-1-trichlorosilane was used as an integral part of a microalgae study. In this study, the UCT’s…

UCT Silane Cited in Droplet-Based Microfluidic Article

UCT Silane Cited in Droplet-Based Microfluidic Article

The kidneys are considered critical for the long-term control of blood pressure by regulation of body fluid and blood volume. In support of this concept, the kidneys control the systemic activity of the pro-hypertensive renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system by regulating the production and release of renin from juxtaglomerular cells. The relationship between the endocannabinoid system in the…

Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Opiate GC-MS/MS Article

Clean Screen® DAU Cited in Opiate GC-MS/MS Article

In a recent paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bky077), authored by Mohammad Ali Al Saad et al., UCT’s Clean Screen®DAU was employed to extract opiates from whole blood. This method was validated for the simultaneous determination of codeine, morphine, 6-acetylmorphine (6-MAM), hydrocodone and hydromorphone in human blood samples

UCT Flagship Sorbent Cited in Khat Analysis Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Cited in Khat Analysis Study

In a recent study authored by Ibraheem M. Attafi et al., published in the Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine ((2018) 7(1) 922-930)), a postmortem case report aimed to identify and determine the concentration of cathine and cathinone in different body organs and green chewed plants found in the mouth of the deceased. Extraction of the khat compounds was performed using UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU in conjunction with LC-MS/MS quantitative analysis to confirm that samples were positive for cathinone and cathine.

DAU Sorbent cited in Equine Toxicology Study

DAU Sorbent cited in Equine Toxicology Study

In a recent study published in Drug Testing and Analysis (DOI: 10.1002/dta.2378), authored by Heather K. Knych et al, UCT’s Clean Screen® DAU was employed to extract grapiprant following oral administration to exercised thoroughbred horses. Grapiprant is a newly approved non‐ cyclooxygenase inhibiting non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug that has demonstrated efficacy and safety in other species. As long‐term use of these drugs can adversely impact the health of the horse, anti‐inflammatories with a more favorable safety profile are warranted.

UCT Silane Cited in Organ-On-Chip Article

UCT Silane Cited in Organ-On-Chip Article

Organ-on-chip platforms aim to improve preclinical models for organ-level responses to novel drug compounds. Heart-on-a-chip assays in particular require tissue engineering techniques that rely on labor-intensive photolithographic fabrication or resolution-limited 3D printing of micro-patterned substrates, which limits turnover and flexibility of prototyping. In a recent paper authored by Janna C. Nawroth et al., published in Biofabrication ( Biofabrication ((2018) 10 025004), UCT’s silane chemicals were used for soft lithography fabrication of stamps for micro-molding hydrogels. The authors developed a rapid and automated method for large scale on-demand micro-patterning of gelatin hydrogels for organ-on-chip applications using a novel biocompatible laser-etching approach.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in SOFT-TIAFT U-47700 Presentation

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in SOFT-TIAFT U-47700 Presentation

Several deaths in the US and Europe have been attributed to U-47700 both alone, and in combination with other drugs. In a presentation given at the recent SOFT-TIAFT conference in Boca Raton by M.L. Zaney et al., postmortem cases from a regional medical examiners laboratory in Florida, USA were presented in which U-47700 was detected either in blood or drug paraphernalia. In the study, whole blood specimens were extracted using UCT’s flagship Clean Screen® DAU solid phase extraction (SPE) columns. 

Join UCT at the Medical Cannabis Educational Summit March 5th, 2018!

Join UCT at the Medical Cannabis Educational Summit March 5th, 2018!

Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) is hosting its Spring 2018 Medical Cannabis Educational Summit. UCT, in conjunction with Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, will be leading a symposium for those who work in cannabis testing laboratories or are looking to start one.  Talks will be given on sample preparation, chromatography, quantitation of cannabinoids and the regulation of cannabis.  The event will provide scientific insight into the ever expanding cannabis market.  Click below to register and learn more about the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/medical-cannabis-educational-summit-tickets-39125969829?aff=HACCWebsite

UCT’s CUNAX2 Solid Phase Sorbent Cited in Surfactant Article

UCT’s CUNAX2 Solid Phase Sorbent Cited in Surfactant Article

Many contaminants are now entering the composition of industrial and domestic products (personal care products, cosmetics, detergents, etc.). Following a massive and varied use of these products, significant amounts of pollutants can be found at different levels of the water cycle, particularly in urban areas. Healthcare facility discharges, by their nature, are often considered as non-domestic effluent, which can provide significant pollution comparatively to other domestic sources. In a recent paper authored by Alexandre Bergé et al., published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research (doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-0470-8), UCT’s mixed-mode anion exchange solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges, CUNAX2 (200 mg/ 3 mL), were employed for the extraction/preconcentration of surfactants in waste water samples.

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in Piperazines Stability Study

UCT Flagship Sorbent Clean Screen DAU cited in Piperazines Stability Study

Of all the drugs plaguing analytical forensic toxicologists, the newer psychoactive substances (NPS) are the most challenging. One of the older NPS’s is the Synthetic Piperazines (SP) class. While circumventing legislative controls, SP’s are encountered as “legal” alternatives to ecstasy. Forensic toxicologists often meet unforeseeable challenges that may delay quantitative analysis of these compounds in biological fluids. Enzymatic reactions, matrix interferences and limited knowledge of analyte stability further complicate interpretation of calculated concentrations in the wide range of matrices submitted to the laboratory for analysis. In a recent paper published in Journal of Analytical Toxicology by Timothy Lau et al., (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx090) the stability of SP’s in human blood under various storage conditions over time was investigated using UCT’s famous flagship sorbent Clean Screen® DAU for the extraction process.

UCT Clean Screen® THC Column Cited in Post Mortem Study

UCT Clean Screen® THC Column Cited in Post Mortem Study

Marijuana, known for its euphoric and relaxing properties, continues to be the most commonly abused illicit drug globally. While the substance has numerous desirable affects like those noted above, long-term use has been shown to result in impaired memory, cognitive skills and psychomotor function through the psychoactive properties of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its hydroxylated metabolite (THC-OH). UCT has been at the forefront of the analysis and quantification of THC and THC-OH in biological fluids through the use of the Clean Screen® THC sorbent and extraction column.   

UCT Dispersive SPE Sorbent Cited in Anticoagulant Rodenticides Article

UCT Dispersive SPE Sorbent Cited in Anticoagulant Rodenticides Article

In a new paper by Lori Smith et al, published in the Journal of Food and Agricultural Chemistry (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02280), a wide and diverse range of anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) were analyzed in rodent liver samples using UCT’s dispersive SPE (d-SPE) tubes for sample clean-up. ARs are used to control rodent populations, acting as vitamin K antagonists by inhibiting vitamin K epoxide reductase. Consequently, formation of prothrombin and related blood-clotting factors (VII, IX and X) are blocked, causing massive hemorrhage and mortality. 

UCT Clean Screen® FASt (Filter & Shoot) Cartridge Cited in New Drug (Tianeptine) Case Study

UCT Clean Screen® FASt (Filter & Shoot) Cartridge Cited in New Drug (Tianeptine) Case Study

UCT in recognized around the world not only for manufacturing the finest solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbents, but also providing scientific support for clinical and forensic toxicology accounts worldwide. UCT’s FASt (Filter & Shoot) sorbent has recently been utilized in the analysis of the novel pharmaceutical tianeptine in forensic toxicological urine samples by S.K Dempsey et al., in Journal of Analytical Toxicology (doi: 10.1093/jat/bkx034) .

UCT’s Flagship Sorbent (ZSDAU020) cited in Remifentanil article

UCT’s Flagship Sorbent (ZSDAU020) cited in Remifentanil article

UCT is recognized for its support for the forensic toxicology community not only domestically, but abroad. This is demonstrated in a new article published in the journal Toxicologie Analytique & Clinique authored by Dr.J Long et al.,(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.toxac.2016.11.003 2352-0078). In this paper, the authors utilize UCT’s famous Clean Screen ® DAU solid phase extraction column (ZSDAU020) to extract remifentanil, a short acting fentanyl analogue, from post mortem blood samples. This is believed to be the first report of a concentration of remifentanil in postmortem blood.

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Cannabis Analysis

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – Cannabis Analysis

Even within states where recreational cannabis has not been legalized, government funded crime laboratories are seeing an uptick in seized plant and edible cannabis cases.  While toxicology sections are equipped with the tools needed to extract said samples if tasked with this additional work, drug chemistry units may struggle to treat the various edible forms, tinctures and waxes that appear in their laboratory.  

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – EtG/EtS Analysis in Urine

Top 10 Forensic Compounds/Topics of 2016 – EtG/EtS Analysis in Urine

Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and ethyl sulfate (EtS) are conjugated ethanol biomarkers.  Due to their highly polar nature (log P of 1.51 and 0.62, respectively) and lack of retention on a traditional reversed phase HPLC column, their analysis is typically plagued by significant ion suppression when using a standard Dilute & Shoot approach.

UCT SPE Cartridges cited in Equine Toxicology Study

UCT SPE Cartridges cited in Equine Toxicology Study

In the fields of both human and animal toxicology, UCT Inc., is world renowned for its manufacture of the finest SPE sorbents. This is most eloquently demonstrated in an article published in Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ((2016) 39, 469–477) by H.K. Knych et al., (UCSF, Davis) detailing the pharmacokinetics of methocarbamol and phenylbutazone in exercised thoroughbred horses. Methocarbamol (MCBL) commonly used in performance horses for the treatment of skeletal muscle and  phenylbutazone (PBZ), another commonly used drug in performance horses, were both extracted and analyzed using UCT’s flagship sorbent Clean Screen®DAU (CSDAU 130 mg/3 mL). This paper shows that when researchers working in the area of equine toxicology need the finest SPE sorbents for their extractions, they routinely turn to UCT as their first choice.

Congrats to Greg Mercer from USFDA Pacific Regional Lab for winning the NACRW 2016  “UCT Excellence in Sample Preparation Award”

Congrats to Greg Mercer from USFDA Pacific Regional Lab for winning the NACRW 2016 “UCT Excellence in Sample Preparation Award”

UCT would like to extend our congratulations to Greg Mercer from the USFDA Regional Pacific Laboratory for winning the 2016 NACRW  “UCT Excellence in Sample Preparation Award.” The awarded poster presentation was entitled “A Simple and Effective Cleanup Procedure to Produce Quechers Extracts That Are More Compatible with Gas Chromatography” featuring UCT’s Chlorofiltr® dSPE sorbent. This polymeric-based material selectively removes interfering chlorophyll from sample extracts without compromising the recovery of planer pesticides. Try a sample today!

UCT Siloxane cited in Split Ring Resonator Research

UCT’s Petrarch Specialty chemical line is world renowned for being of the finest quality and employed by scientists working at the cutting edge of electronic engineering research.In a paper published by Fan Zhou et al (Northeastern University) in Optical Express ((2016), 24: 6367) a detailed study was reported into Split ring resonators which employed the use of UCT product poly[(mercaptopropy)methylsiloxane] (PMMS) to fabricate the soft stamps. Browse UCT’s selection of high quality specialty chemicals today!

Petrarch® silane used in the manufacture of a custom microchip used in the study of CNS axon growth

Petrarch® silane used in the manufacture of a custom microchip used in the study of CNS axon growth

In a recent publication titled A microchip for quantitative analysis of CNS axon growth under localized biomolecular treatments, Journal of Neuroscience Methods,221, (2014) 166-174, (doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2013.09.018) tridecafluoro-1, 1, 2, 2- tetrahydrooctytrichlorosilane (T2492) from UCT Specialties, LLC was used to vapor coat cast molded poly(methylmethacrylate) and PDMS parts.