Nature Finds A Way: Greening of Potato Tubers Retards Bacteria Growth, or Why Our Parents Peeled the Potatoes

Nature Finds A Way: Greening of Potato Tubers Retards Bacteria Growth, or Why Our Parents Peeled the Potatoes

For many of us, we can remember our parents and grandparents peeling potatoes before cooking them. For those of us who like the taste of potato skins, we often wondered why they bothered. Before mass production and grocery stores, people grew their potatoes in a garden or bought them from people who raised them in…

UCT’s Putting a New Spin on dSPE!

UCT is excited to launch our new SpinFiltr™ approach to dSPE clean-up!  Our dual chamber approach features built in submicron filtration and allows the user to simply discard the top device containing unwanted matrix and sorbent following centrifugation. Additional sample volume is recovered without worrying about the disruption of centrifugation layers. UCT is taking the hassle out of dSPE. Try a sample today out of our initial 5 available configurations! Get more details by visiting: https://sampleprep.unitedchem.com/media/at_assets/tech_doc_info/SpinFiltr_Flyer_2016_1.pdf or by checking out our recent NACRW poster presentation featuring this product: https://sampleprep.unitedchem.com/media/at_assets/tech_doc_info/NACRW_Poster_2016.pdf