HydraFlow® is the latest addition to the UCT’s family of SPE manifolds geared towards efficient sample processing.  Its unique design provides enhanced precision and streamlined sample extractions for large volume water analysis


HydraFlow® Features

Enhanced precision and streamlined sample extractions for large-volume water analysis


liquid channel switching

Ensures convenient and efficient transition between sample collection and waste discharge.


Featured control valves ensure accurate sample flow rates and high reproducibility across a wide range of extractions.

Separation of Organic and Aqueous Waste

Long-term cost savings when it comes to waste disposal.

MULTI-sample processing

Four channels can be used individually or simultaneously based on the user preference.


Manifold parts feature PTFE or stainless-steel composition which can resist degradation from prolonged exposure to organic solvents.

Lightweight and Compact Footprint

Simple design allows for fume hood setup if desired and easy relocating when necessary, throughout the lab.

no need for glass cartridge adapters

HydraFlow® does not require the use of expensive glass
cartridge adapters which too often break with use.

liquid level visualization

Graduated tick marks on Universal cartridge adapters allow for staged liquid-level visualization during an extraction.


Set-up is a simple process, our technical team are available for help and replacement parts are in stock.

1) Ensure all four Front Flow Path Valves are preset to “Waste Flow” control.
2) Preset the side Waste Separator Valve to “Organic”. This triggers waste to be funneled to the 1L Organic Waste collection bottle.
3) Add pre-wash and/or pre-conditioning solvent as outlined in the corresponding SPE procedure.
4) Turn on the Vacuum pump.
5) Use the Waste Flow fine control knob to adjust the flow rate to the desired setting. It is suggested to start with the knob turned to the off position and slowly open the knob until the desired flow rate is obtained. This will prevent the solvent from being pulled through the sorbent at too high of a flow rate, resulting in inadequate conditioning of the sorbent.
6) Once pre-conditioning is completed, turn the side Waste Separator Valve to Waste (OFF). This will prevent the sorbent from running dry. It will also prevent the aqueous sample from being diverted to the 1L Organic Waste collection bottle.

1) Set the four Front Flow Path Valves to “OFF”. This will prevent the samples from being pulled through the sorbent at a high flow rate, potentially compromising recovery from loss of analyte(s).
2) Turn the side Waste Separator Valve to “Aqueous”. This triggers waste to be funneled to the 20L Aqueous waste trap.
3) Begin optimizing the four Front Flow Path Valves to obtain the desired flow rate. It is recommended to begin at the “Low” setting and then further refine with the Waste Flow fine control knob. These controls should be used tandemly until the overall optimum flow rate is achieved.

1) Add the washing solution to the cartridges. Switch the Front Flow Path Valve to the “Waste Flow” position to drain the washing solution.
2) Adjust the Waste Separator Valve according to the type of each wash solution. (Aqueous or Organic)
3) Use the Waste Flow fine control knob to control the flow rate.

1) Set the four Front Flow Path Valves to “Waste Flow” control high or fully open if not already at this setting.
2) Dry the SPE cartridges by applying a full vacuum for the desired length of time as outlined in the corresponding SPE procedure.
3) Turn off the Vacuum pump.
4) Remove each Universal SPE cartridge from its holder and tap or shake it to remove any residual water that may have collected at the bottom of the cartridge.
This will prevent excess water from collecting in the elution solvent in the subsequent step.

1) To begin, set the four Front Flow Path Valves to “Elution Flow” control low. This diverts the elution solvent to the collection vials.
2) Turn on the Vacuum pump.
3) Use the Elution Flow fine control knob to adjust the flow rate to the desired setting. It is suggested to start with the knob turned to the off position followed by slowly opening until the desired flow rate is obtained. This will prevent the solvent from being pulled through the sorbent at too high of a flow rate, resulting in inadequate analyte elution.
4) Upon visualization of all solvent passing into the collection vials, open the Elution Flow fine control knob all the way to ensure all solvent has been eluted from the sorbent.
5) Remove the collection vials for drying and evaporation.

HydraFlow® Replacement Parts